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var phoneAutoMask = function ()
"use strict";
function _typeof(e)
return (_typeof = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (e)
return typeof e
} : function (e)
return e && "function" == typeof Symbol && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof e
function _extends()
return (_extends = Object.assign || function (e)
for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++)
var n = arguments[t];
for (var a in n) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, a) && (e[a] = n[a])
return e
}).apply(this, arguments)
var commonjsGlobal = "undefined" != typeof globalThis ? globalThis : "undefined" != typeof window ? window : "undefined" != typeof global ? global : "undefined" != typeof self ? self :
function createCommonjsModule(e, t)
return e(t = {
}, t.exports), t.exports
var window_1 = createCommonjsModule(function (module, exports)
module.exports = "undefined" != typeof window ? window : new(eval("require('jsdom').JSDOM"))("").window
inputmask_dependencyLib = createCommonjsModule(function (e, t)
e.exports = function (t)
var f = t.document;
function a(e, t)
var n = 0,
a = e.length;
for (; n < a; n++)
if (e[n] === t)
return n
return -1
function i(e)
return e != null && e === e.window
function r(e)
var t = "length" in e && e.length,
n = _typeof(e);
if (n === "function" || i(e))
return false
if (e.nodeType === 1 && t)
return true
return n === "array" || t === 0 || typeof t === "number" && t > 0 && t - 1 in e
function p(e)
return e instanceof Element
function h(e)
if (e instanceof h)
return e
if (!(this instanceof h))
return new h(e)
if (e !== undefined && e !== null && e !== t)
this[0] = e.nodeName ? e : e[0] !== undefined && e[0].nodeName ? e[0] : f.querySelector(e);
if (this[0] !== undefined && this[0] !== null)
this[0].eventRegistry = this[0].eventRegistry ||
if (h.prototype = {
on: function e(t, a)
if (p(this[0]))
var i = this[0].eventRegistry,
r = this[0];
var n = function e(t, n)
if (r.addEventListener)
r.addEventListener(t, a, false)
else if (r.attachEvent)
r.attachEvent("on" + t, a)
i[t] = i[t] ||
i[t][n] = i[t][n] || [];
var s = t.split(" ");
for (var o = 0; o < s.length; o++)
var c = s[o].split("."),
u = c[0],
l = c[1] || "global";
n(u, l)
return this
off: function e(t, c)
if (p(this[0]))
var u = this[0].eventRegistry,
r = this[0];
var n = function e(t, n, a)
if (t in u === true)
if (r.removeEventListener)
r.removeEventListener(t, a, false)
else if (r.detachEvent)
r.detachEvent("on" + t, a)
if (n === "global")
for (var i in u[t])
u[t][i].splice(u[t][i].indexOf(a), 1)
u[t][n].splice(u[t][n].indexOf(a), 1)
var a = function e(t, n)
var a = [],
i, r;
if (t.length > 0)
if (c === undefined)
for (i = 0, r = u[t][n].length; i < r; i++)
ev: t,
namespace: n && n.length > 0 ? n : "global",
handler: u[t][n][i]
ev: t,
namespace: n && n.length > 0 ? n : "global",
handler: c
else if (n.length > 0)
for (var s in u)
for (var o in u[s])
if (o === n)
if (c === undefined)
for (i = 0, r = u[s][o].length; i < r; i++)
ev: s,
namespace: o,
handler: u[s][o][i]
ev: s,
namespace: o,
handler: c
return a
var i = t.split(" ");
for (var s = 0; s < i.length; s++)
var o = i[s].split("."),
l = a(o[0], o[1]);
for (var d = 0, m = l.length; d < m; d++)
n(l[d].ev, l[d].namespace, l[d].handler)
return this
trigger: function e(t)
if (p(this[0]))
var n = this[0].eventRegistry,
a = this[0];
var i = typeof t === "string" ? t.split(" ") : [t.type];
for (var r = 0; r < i.length; r++)
var s = i[r].split("."),
o = s[0],
c = s[1] || "global";
if (f !== undefined && c === "global")
var u, l, d = {
bubbles: true,
cancelable: true,
detail: arguments[1]
if (f.createEvent)
u = new CustomEvent(o, d)
catch (e)
u = f.createEvent("CustomEvent");
u.initCustomEvent(o, d.bubbles, d.cancelable, d.detail)
if (t.type)
h.extend(u, t)
u = f.createEventObject();
u.eventType = o;
u.detail = arguments[1];
if (t.type)
h.extend(u, t)
a.fireEvent("on" + u.eventType, u)
else if (n[o] !== undefined)
arguments[0] = arguments[0].type ? arguments[0] : h.Event(arguments[0]);
if (c === "global")
for (var m in n[o])
for (l = 0; l < n[o][m].length; l++)
n[o][m][l].apply(a, arguments)
for (l = 0; l < n[o][c].length; l++)
n[o][c][l].apply(a, arguments)
return this
}, h.isFunction = function (e)
return typeof e === "function"
}, h.noop = function () {}, h.isArray = Array.isArray, h.inArray = function (e, t, n)
return t == null ? -1 : a(t, e)
}, h.valHooks = undefined, h.isPlainObject = function (e)
if (_typeof(e) !== "object" || e.nodeType || i(e))
return false
if (e.constructor && !Object.hasOwnProperty.call(e.constructor.prototype, "isPrototypeOf"))
return false
return true
}, h.extend = function ()
var e, t, n, a, i, r, s = arguments[0] ||
o = 1,
c = arguments.length,
u = false;
if (typeof s === "boolean")
u = s;
s = arguments[o] ||
if (_typeof(s) !== "object" && !h.isFunction(s))
s = {}
if (o === c)
s = this;
for (; o < c; o++)
if ((e = arguments[o]) != null)
for (t in e)
n = s[t];
a = e[t];
if (s === a)
if (u && a && (h.isPlainObject(a) || (i = h.isArray(a))))
if (i)
i = false;
r = n && h.isArray(n) ? n : []
r = n && h.isPlainObject(n) ? n :
s[t] = h.extend(u, r, a)
else if (a !== undefined)
s[t] = a
return s
}, h.each = function (e, t)
var n, a = 0;
if (r(e))
for (var i = e.length; a < i; a++)
n = t.call(e[a], a, e[a]);
if (n === false)
for (a in e)
n = t.call(e[a], a, e[a]);
if (n === false)
return e
}, h.data = function (e, t, n)
if (n === undefined)
return e.__data ? e.__data[t] : null
e.__data = e.__data ||
e.__data[t] = n
}, typeof t.CustomEvent === "function")
h.Event = t.CustomEvent
h.Event = function (e, t)
t = t ||
bubbles: false,
cancelable: false,
detail: undefined
var n = f.createEvent("CustomEvent");
n.initCustomEvent(e, t.bubbles, t.cancelable, t.detail);
return n
h.Event.prototype = t.Event.prototype
return h
inputmask = createCommonjsModule(function (e, t)
e.exports = function (re, se, oe)
var ce = se.document,
e = navigator.userAgent,
ue = e.indexOf("MSIE ") > 0 || e.indexOf("Trident/") > 0,
le = pe("touchstart"),
de = /iemobile/i.test(e),
me = /iphone/i.test(e) && !de;
function fe(e, t, n)
if (!(this instanceof fe))
return new fe(e, t, n)
this.el = oe;
this.events = {};
this.maskset = oe;
this.refreshValue = false;
if (n !== true)
if (re.isPlainObject(e))
t = e
t = t ||
if (e)
t.alias = e
this.opts = re.extend(true,
{}, this.defaults, t);
this.noMasksCache = t && t.definitions !== oe;
this.userOptions = t ||
this.isRTL = this.opts.numericInput;
l(this.opts.alias, t, this.opts)
function l(e, t, n)
var a = fe.prototype.aliases[e];
if (a)
if (a.alias)
l(a.alias, oe, n)
re.extend(true, n, a);
re.extend(true, n, t);
return true
else if (n.mask === null)
n.mask = e
return false
function r(n, o)
function e(e, t, n)
var a = false;
if (e === null || e === "")
a = n.regex !== null;
if (a)
e = n.regex;
e = e.replace(/^(\^)(.*)(\$)$/, "$2")
a = true;
e = ".*"
if (e.length === 1 && n.greedy === false && n.repeat !== 0)
n.placeholder = ""
if (n.repeat > 0 || n.repeat === "*" || n.repeat === "+")
var i = n.repeat === "*" ? 0 : n.repeat === "+" ? 1 : n.repeat;
e = n.groupmarker[0] + e + n.groupmarker[1] + n.quantifiermarker[0] + i + "," + n.repeat + n.quantifiermarker[1]
var r, s = a ? "regex_" + n.regex : n.numericInput ? e.split("").reverse().join("") : e;
if (fe.prototype.masksCache[s] === oe || o === true)
r = {
mask: e,
maskToken: fe.prototype.analyseMask(e, a, n),
_buffer: oe,
buffer: oe,
metadata: t,
maskLength: oe,
if (o !== true)
fe.prototype.masksCache[s] = r;
r = re.extend(true,
{}, fe.prototype.masksCache[s])
else r = re.extend(true,
{}, fe.prototype.masksCache[s]);
return r
var t;
if (re.isFunction(n.mask))
n.mask = n.mask(n)
if (re.isArray(n.mask))
if (n.mask.length > 1)
if (n.keepStatic === null)
n.keepStatic = "auto";
for (var a = 0; a < n.mask.length; a++)
if (n.mask[a].charAt(0) !== n.mask[0].charAt(0))
n.keepStatic = true;
var i = n.groupmarker[0];
re.each(n.isRTL ? n.mask.reverse() : n.mask, function (e, t)
if (i.length > 1)
i += n.groupmarker[1] + n.alternatormarker + n.groupmarker[0]
if (t.mask !== oe && !re.isFunction(t.mask))
i += t.mask
i += t
i += n.groupmarker[1];
return e(i, n.mask, n)
else n.mask = n.mask.pop()
if (n.mask && n.mask.mask !== oe && !re.isFunction(n.mask.mask))
t = e(n.mask.mask, n.mask, n)
t = e(n.mask, n.mask, n)
return t
function pe(e)
var t = ce.createElement("input"),
n = "on" + e,
a = n in t;
if (!a)
t.setAttribute(n, "return;");
a = typeof t[n] === "function"
t = null;
return a
function he(e, t, U)
t = t || this.maskset;
U = U || this.opts;
var d = this,
u = this.el,
g = this.isRTL,
_, r, o = false,
l = false,
k = false,
v, i = false,
p, s;
var f = function e(t, n, a, i, r)
var s = U.greedy;
if (r)
U.greedy = false
n = n || 0;
var o = [],
c, u = 0,
l, d, m = x();
do {
if (t === true && K().validPositions[u])
d = r && K().validPositions[u].match.optionality === true && K().validPositions[u + 1] === oe && (K().validPositions[u].generatedInput === true || K().validPositions[u].input == U.skipOptionalPartCharacter && u > 0) ? h(u, S(u, c, u - 1)) : K().validPositions[u];
l = d.match;
c = d.locator.slice();
o.push(a === true ? d.input : a === false ? l.nativeDef : R(u, l))
d = y(u, c, u - 1);
l = d.match;
c = d.locator.slice();
var f = i === true ? false : U.jitMasking !== false ? U.jitMasking : l.jit;
if (f === false || f === oe || typeof f === "number" && isFinite(f) && f > u)
o.push(a === false ? l.nativeDef : R(u, l))
if (U.keepStatic === "auto")
if (l.newBlockMarker && l.fn !== null)
U.keepStatic = u - 1
} while ((v === oe || u < v) && (l.fn !== null || l.def !== "") || n > u);
if (o[o.length - 1] === "")
if (a !== false || K().maskLength === oe)
K().maskLength = u - 1
U.greedy = s;
return o
function K()
return t
function C(e)
var t = K();
t.buffer = oe;
if (e !== true)
t.validPositions = {};
t.p = 0
function x(e, t, n)
var a = -1,
i = -1,
r = n || K().validPositions;
if (e === oe)
e = -1
for (var s in r)
var o = parseInt(s);
if (r[o] && (t || r[o].generatedInput !== true))
if (o <= e)
a = o
if (o >= e)
i = o
return a === -1 || a == e ? i : i == -1 ? a : e - a < i - e ? a : i
function w(e)
var t = e.locator[e.alternation];
if (typeof t == "string" && t.length > 0)
t = t.split(",")[0]
return t !== oe ? t.toString() : ""
function m(e, t)
var n = (e.alternation != oe ? e.mloc[w(e)] : e.locator).join("");
if (n !== "")
while (n.length < t)
n += "0"
return n
function h(e, t)
e = e > 0 ? e - 1 : 0;
var n = E(e),
a = m(n),
i, r, s;
for (var o = 0; o < t.length; o++)
var c = t[o];
i = m(c, a.length);
var u = Math.abs(i - a);
if (r === oe || i !== "" && u < r || s && !U.greedy && s.match.optionality && s.match.newBlockMarker === "master" && (!c.match.optionality || !c.match.newBlockMarker) || s && s.match.optionalQuantifier && !c.match.optionalQuantifier)
r = u;
s = c
return s
function y(e, t, n)
return K().validPositions[e] || h(e, S(e, t ? t.slice() : t, n))
function E(e, t)
if (K().validPositions[e])
return K().validPositions[e]
return (t || S(e))[0]
function b(e, t)
var n = false,
a = S(e);
for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++)
if (a[i].match && a[i].match.def === t)
n = true;
return n
function S(O, e, t)
var n = K().maskToken,
F = e ? t : 0,
a = e ? e.slice() : [0],
j = [],
G = false,
B, R = e ? e.join("") : "";
function z(T, N, e, t)
function L(e, t, n)
function r(n, a)
var i = re.inArray(n, a.matches) === 0;
if (!i)
re.each(a.matches, function (e, t)
if (t.isQuantifier === true)
i = r(n, a.matches[e - 1])
else if (t.hasOwnProperty("matches"))
i = r(n, t)
if (i)
return false
return i
function a(e, i, r)
var s, o;
if (K().tests[e] || K().validPositions[e])
re.each(K().tests[e] || [K().validPositions[e]], function (e, t)
if (t.mloc[i])
s = t;
return false
var n = r !== oe ? r : t.alternation,
a = t.locator[n] !== oe ? t.locator[n].toString().indexOf(i) : -1;
if ((o === oe || a < o) && a !== -1)
s = t;
o = a
if (s)
var t = s.locator[s.alternation];
var n = s.mloc[i] || s.mloc[t] || s.locator;
return n.slice((r !== oe ? r : s.alternation) + 1)
return r !== oe ? a(e, i) : oe
function i(e, t)
function n(e)
var t = [],
n, a;
for (var i = 0, r = e.length; i < r; i++)
if (e.charAt(i) === "-")
a = e.charCodeAt(i + 1);
while (++n < a)
n = e.charCodeAt(i);
return t.join("")
if (U.regex && e.match.fn !== null && t.match.fn !== null)
return n(t.match.def.replace(/[\[\]]/g, "")).indexOf(n(e.match.def.replace(/[\[\]]/g, ""))) !== -1
return e.match.def === t.match.nativeDef
function s(e, t)
var n = e.locator.slice(e.alternation).join(""),
a = t.locator.slice(t.alternation).join(""),
i = n == a;
i = i && e.match.fn === null && t.match.fn !== null ? t.match.fn.test(e.match.def, K(), O, false, U, false) : false;
return i
function o(e, t)
if (t === oe || e.alternation === t.alternation && e.locator[e.alternation].toString().indexOf(t.locator[t.alternation]) === -1)
e.mloc = e.mloc ||
var n = e.locator[e.alternation];
if (n === oe)
e.alternation = oe
if (typeof n === "string")
n = n.split(",")[0]
if (e.mloc[n] === oe)
e.mloc[n] = e.locator.slice()
if (t !== oe)
for (var a in t.mloc)
if (typeof a === "string")
a = a.split(",")[0]
if (e.mloc[a] === oe)
e.mloc[a] = t.mloc[a]
e.locator[e.alternation] = Object.keys(e.mloc).join(",")
return true
return false
if (F > 500 && n !== oe)
throw "Inputmask: There is probably an error in your mask definition or in the code. Create an issue on github with an example of the mask you are using. " + K().mask
if (F === O && e.matches === oe)
match: e,
locator: t.reverse(),
cd: R,
return true
else if (e.matches !== oe)
if (e.isGroup && n !== e)
e = L(T.matches[re.inArray(e, T.matches) + 1], t, n);
if (e)
return true
else if (e.isOptional)
var c = e;
e = z(e, N, t, n);
if (e)
re.each(j, function (e, t)
t.match.optionality = true
B = j[j.length - 1].match;
if (n === oe && r(B, c))
G = true;
F = O
else return true
else if (e.isAlternator)
var u = e,
l = [],
d, m = j.slice(),
f = t.length;
var p = N.length > 0 ? N.shift() : -1;
if (p === -1 || typeof p === "string")
var h = F,
g = N.slice(),
_ = [],
if (typeof p == "string")
_ = p.split(",")
for (v = 0; v < u.matches.length; v++)
if (K().excludes[O])
var k = _.slice();
for (var y = 0, b = K().excludes[O].length; y < b; y++)
_.splice(_.indexOf(K().excludes[O][y].toString()), 1)
if (_.length === 0)
K().excludes[O] = oe;
_ = k
if (U.keepStatic === true || isFinite(parseInt(U.keepStatic)) && h >= U.keepStatic)
_ = _.slice(0, 1)
var C = false;
for (var x = 0; x < _.length; x++)
v = parseInt(_[x]);
j = [];
N = typeof p === "string" ? a(F, v, f) || g.slice() : g.slice();
if (u.matches[v] && L(u.matches[v], [v].concat(t), n))
e = true
else if (x === 0)
C = true
d = j.slice();
F = h;
j = [];
for (var w = 0; w < d.length; w++)
var E = d[w],
S = false;
E.match.jit = E.match.jit || C;
E.alternation = E.alternation || f;
for (var D = 0; D < l.length; D++)
var M = l[D];
if (typeof p !== "string" || E.alternation !== oe && re.inArray(E.locator[E.alternation].toString(), _) !== -1)
if (E.match.nativeDef === M.match.nativeDef)
S = true;
o(M, E);
else if (i(E, M))
if (o(E, M))
S = true;
l.splice(l.indexOf(M), 0, E)
else if (i(M, E))
o(M, E);
else if (s(E, M))
if (o(E, M))
S = true;
l.splice(l.indexOf(M), 0, E)
if (!S)
j = m.concat(l);
F = O;
G = j.length > 0;
e = l.length > 0;
N = g.slice()
else e = L(u.matches[p] || T.matches[p], [p].concat(t), n);
if (e)
return true
else if (e.isQuantifier && n !== T.matches[re.inArray(e, T.matches) - 1])
var A = e;
for (var I = N.length > 0 ? N.shift() : 0; I < (isNaN(A.quantifier.max) ? I + 1 : A.quantifier.max) && F <= O; I++)
var P = T.matches[re.inArray(A, T.matches) - 1];
e = L(P, [I].concat(t), P);
if (e)
B = j[j.length - 1].match;
B.optionalQuantifier = I >= A.quantifier.min;
B.jit = (I || 1) * P.matches.indexOf(B) >= A.quantifier.jit;
if (B.optionalQuantifier && r(B, P))
G = true;
F = O;
if (B.jit)
K().jitOffset[O] = P.matches.indexOf(B)
return true
e = z(e, N, t, n);
if (e)
return true
for (var n = N.length > 0 ? N.shift() : 0; n < T.matches.length; n++)
if (T.matches[n].isQuantifier !== true)
var a = L(T.matches[n], [n].concat(e), t);
if (a && F === O)
return a
else if (F > O)
function i(e, t)
var a = [];
if (!re.isArray(t))
t = [t]
if (t.length > 0)
if (t[0].alternation === oe)
a = h(e, t.slice()).locator.slice();
if (a.length === 0)
a = t[0].locator.slice()
re.each(t, function (e, t)
if (t.def !== "")
if (a.length === 0)
a = t.locator.slice()
for (var n = 0; n < a.length; n++)
if (t.locator[n] && a[n].toString().indexOf(t.locator[n]) === -1)
a[n] += "," + t.locator[n]
return a
if (O > -1)
if (e === oe)
var r = O - 1,
while ((s = K().validPositions[r] || K().tests[r]) === oe && r > -1)
if (s !== oe && r > -1)
a = i(r, s);
R = a.join("");
F = r
if (K().tests[O] && K().tests[O][0].cd === R)
return K().tests[O]
for (var o = a.shift(); o < n.length; o++)
var c = z(n[o], a, [o]);
if (c && F === O || F > O)
if (j.length === 0 || G)
fn: null,
optionality: false,
casing: null,
def: "",
placeholder: ""
locator: [],
cd: R
if (e !== oe && K().tests[O])
return re.extend(true, [], j)
K().tests[O] = re.extend(true, [], j);
return K().tests[O]
function D()
if (K()._buffer === oe)
K()._buffer = f(false, 1);
if (K().buffer === oe)
K().buffer = K()._buffer.slice()
return K()._buffer
function M(e)
if (K().buffer === oe || e === true)
K().buffer = f(true, x(), true);
if (K()._buffer === oe)
K()._buffer = K().buffer.slice()
return K().buffer
function A(e, t, n)
var a, i;
if (e === true)
e = 0;
t = n.length
for (a = e; a < t; a++)
delete K().validPositions[a]
i = e;
for (a = e; a < t; a++)
if (n[a] !== U.skipOptionalPartCharacter)
var r = N(i, n[a], true, true);
if (r !== false)
i = r.caret !== oe ? r.caret : r.pos + 1
function I(e, t, n)
switch (U.casing || t.casing)
case "upper":
e = e.toUpperCase();
case "lower":
e = e.toLowerCase();
case "title":
var a = K().validPositions[n - 1];
if (n === 0 || a && a.input === String.fromCharCode(fe.keyCode.SPACE))
e = e.toUpperCase()
e = e.toLowerCase()
if (re.isFunction(U.casing))
var i = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
e = U.casing.apply(this, i)
return e
function P(e, t, n)
var a = U.greedy ? t : t.slice(0, 1),
i = false,
r = n !== oe ? n.split(",") : [],
for (var o = 0; o < r.length; o++)
if ((s = e.indexOf(r[o])) !== -1)
e.splice(s, 1)
for (var c = 0; c < e.length; c++)
if (re.inArray(e[c], a) !== -1)
i = true;
return i
function T(e, t, n, a, i)
var r = re.extend(true,
{}, K().validPositions),
s, o, c = false,
u, l, d, m, f, p = i !== oe ? i : x();
if (p === -1 && i === oe)
s = 0;
l = E(s);
o = l.alternation
for (; p >= 0; p--)
u = K().validPositions[p];
if (u && u.alternation !== oe)
if (l && l.locator[u.alternation] !== u.locator[u.alternation])
s = p;
o = K().validPositions[s].alternation;
l = u
if (o !== oe)
f = parseInt(s);
K().excludes[f] = K().excludes[f] || [];
if (e !== true)
var h = [],
g = 0;
for (d = f; d < x(oe, true) + 1; d++)
m = K().validPositions[d];
if (m && m.generatedInput !== true)
else if (d < e)
delete K().validPositions[d]
while (K().excludes[f] && K().excludes[f].length < 10)
var _ = g * -1,
v = h.slice();
K().tests[f] = oe;
c = true;
while (v.length > 0)
var k = v.shift();
if (!(c = N(x(oe, true) + 1, k, false, a, true)))
if (c && t !== oe)
var y = x(e) + 1;
for (d = f; d < x() + 1; d++)
m = K().validPositions[d];
if ((m === oe || m.match.fn == null) && d < e + _)
e = e + _;
c = N(e > y ? y : e, t, n, a, true)
if (!c)
l = E(f);
K().validPositions = re.extend(true,
{}, r);
if (K().excludes[f])
var b = w(l);
if (K().excludes[f].indexOf(b) !== -1)
c = T(e, t, n, a, f - 1);
for (d = f; d < x(oe, true) + 1; d++)
delete K().validPositions[d]
c = T(e, t, n, a, f - 1);
else break
K().excludes[f] = oe;
return c
function N(u, e, t, l, n, a)
function d(e)
return g ? e.begin - e.end > 1 || e.begin - e.end === 1 : e.end - e.begin > 1 || e.end - e.begin === 1
t = t === true;
var i = u;
if (u.begin !== oe)
i = g ? u.end : u.begin
function r(r, s, o)
var c = false;
re.each(S(r), function (e, t)
var n = t.match;
c = n.fn != null ? n.fn.test(s, K(), r, o, U, d(u)) : (s === n.def || s === U.skipOptionalPartCharacter) && n.def !== "" ?
c: R(r, n, true) || n.def,
pos: r
} : false;
if (c !== false)
var a = c.c !== oe ? c.c : s,
i = r;
a = a === U.skipOptionalPartCharacter && n.fn === null ? R(r, n, true) || n.def : a;
if (c.remove !== oe)
if (!re.isArray(c.remove))
c.remove = [c.remove]
re.each(c.remove.sort(function (e, t)
return t - e
}), function (e, t)
begin: t,
end: t + 1
if (c.insert !== oe)
if (!re.isArray(c.insert))
c.insert = [c.insert]
re.each(c.insert.sort(function (e, t)
return e - t
}), function (e, t)
N(t.pos, t.c, true, l)
if (c !== true && c.pos !== oe && c.pos !== r)
i = c.pos
if (c !== true && c.pos === oe && c.c === oe)
return false
if (!O(u, re.extend(
{}, t,
input: I(a, n, i)
}), l, i))
c = false
return false
return c
var s = true,
o = re.extend(true,
{}, K().validPositions);
if (re.isFunction(U.preValidation) && !t && l !== true && a !== true)
s = U.preValidation(M(), i, e, d(u), U, K())
if (s === true)
L(oe, i, true);
if (v === oe || i < v)
s = r(i, e, t);
if ((!t || l === true) && s === false && a !== true)
var c = K().validPositions[i];
if (c && c.match.fn === null && (c.match.def === e || e === U.skipOptionalPartCharacter))
s = {
caret: j(i)
if ((U.insertMode || K().validPositions[j(i)] === oe) && (!F(i, true) || K().jitOffset[i]))
if (K().jitOffset[i] && K().validPositions[j(i)] === oe)
s = N(i + K().jitOffset[i], e, t);
if (s !== false)
s.caret = i
for (var m = i + 1, f = j(i); m <= f; m++)
s = r(m, e, t);
if (s !== false)
s = L(i, s.pos !== oe ? s.pos : m) || s;
i = m;
if (s === false && U.keepStatic !== false && (U.regex == null || Y(M())) && !t && n !== true)
s = T(i, e, t, l)
if (s === true)
s = {
pos: i
if (re.isFunction(U.postValidation) && s !== false && !t && l !== true && a !== true)
var p = U.postValidation(M(true), u.begin !== oe ? g ? u.end : u.begin : u, s, U);
if (p !== oe)
if (p.refreshFromBuffer && p.buffer)
var h = p.refreshFromBuffer;
A(h === true ? h : h.start, h.end, p.buffer)
s = p === true ? s : p
if (s && s.pos === oe)
s.pos = i
if (s === false || a === true)
K().validPositions = re.extend(true,
{}, o)
return s
function L(e, t, n)
var a;
if (e === oe)
for (e = t - 1; e > 0; e--)
if (K().validPositions[e])
for (var i = e; i < t; i++)
if (K().validPositions[i] === oe && !F(i, true))
var r = i == 0 ? E(i) : K().validPositions[i - 1];
if (r)
var s = S(i).slice();
if (s[s.length - 1].match.def === "")
var o = h(i, s);
o = re.extend(
{}, o,
input: R(i, o.match, true) || o.match.def
o.generatedInput = true;
O(i, o, true);
if (n !== true)
var c = K().validPositions[t].input;
K().validPositions[t] = oe;
a = N(t, c, true, true)
return a
function O(e, t, n, a)
function i(e, t, n)
var a = t[e];
if (a !== oe && (a.match.fn === null && a.match.optionality !== true || a.input === U.radixPoint))
var i = n.begin <= e - 1 ? t[e - 1] && t[e - 1].match.fn === null && t[e - 1] : t[e - 1],
r = n.end > e + 1 ? t[e + 1] && t[e + 1].match.fn === null && t[e + 1] : t[e + 1];
return i && r
return false
var r = e.begin !== oe ? e.begin : e,
s = e.end !== oe ? e.end : e;
if (e.begin > e.end)
r = e.end;
s = e.begin
a = a !== oe ? a : r;
if (r !== s || U.insertMode && K().validPositions[a] !== oe && n === oe)
var o = re.extend(true,
{}, K().validPositions),
c = x(oe, true),
K().p = r;
for (u = c; u >= r; u--)
if (K().validPositions[u] && K().validPositions[u].match.nativeDef === "+")
U.isNegative = false
delete K().validPositions[u]
var l = true,
d = a,
m = K().validPositions,
f = false,
p = d,
u = d;
if (t)
K().validPositions[a] = re.extend(true,
{}, t);
if (r < s)
for (; u <= c; u++)
var h = o[u];
if (h !== oe && (u >= s || u >= r && h.generatedInput !== true && i(u, o,
begin: r,
end: s
while (E(p).match.def !== "")
if (f === false && o[p] && o[p].match.nativeDef === h.match.nativeDef)
K().validPositions[p] = re.extend(true,
{}, o[p]);
K().validPositions[p].input = h.input;
L(oe, p, true);
d = p + 1;
l = true
else if (U.shiftPositions && b(p, h.match.def))
var g = N(p, h.input, true, true);
l = g !== false;
d = g.caret || g.insert ? x() : p + 1;
f = true
l = h.generatedInput === true || h.input === U.radixPoint && U.numericInput === true
if (l)
if (!l && p > s && F(p, true) && (h.match.fn !== null || p > K().maskLength))
if (E(p).match.def == "")
l = false
p = d
if (!l)
if (!l)
K().validPositions = re.extend(true,
{}, o);
return false
else if (t)
K().validPositions[a] = re.extend(true,
{}, t)
return true
function F(e, t)
var n = y(e).match;
if (n.def === "")
n = E(e).match
if (n.fn != null)
return n.fn
if (t !== true && e > -1)
var a = S(e);
return a.length > 1 + (a[a.length - 1].match.def === "" ? 1 : 0)
return false
function j(e, t)
var n = e + 1;
while (E(n).match.def !== "" && (t === true && (E(n).match.newBlockMarker !== true || !F(n)) || t !== true && !F(n)))
return n
function G(e, t)
var n = e,
if (n <= 0)
return 0
while (--n > 0 && (t === true && E(n).match.newBlockMarker !== true || t !== true && !F(n) && (a = S(n), a.length < 2 || a.length === 2 && a[1].match.def === "")))
return n
function B(e, t, n, a, i)
if (a && re.isFunction(U.onBeforeWrite))
var r = U.onBeforeWrite.call(d, a, t, n, U);
if (r)
if (r.refreshFromBuffer)
var s = r.refreshFromBuffer;
A(s === true ? s : s.start, s.end, r.buffer || t);
t = M(true)
if (n !== oe)
n = r.caret !== oe ? r.caret : n
if (e !== oe)
if (n !== oe && (a === oe || a.type !== "blur"))
q(e, n)
else $(e, n, t.length === 0);
if (i === true)
var o = re(e),
c = e.inputmask._valueGet();
l = true;
setTimeout(function ()
if (c === D().join(""))
else if (Y(t) === true)
}, 0)
function R(e, t, n)
t = t || E(e).match;
if (t.placeholder !== oe || n === true)
return re.isFunction(t.placeholder) ? t.placeholder(U) : t.placeholder
else if (t.fn === null)
if (e > -1 && K().validPositions[e] === oe)
var a = S(e),
i = [],
if (a.length > 1 + (a[a.length - 1].match.def === "" ? 1 : 0))
for (var s = 0; s < a.length; s++)
if (a[s].match.optionality !== true && a[s].match.optionalQuantifier !== true && (a[s].match.fn === null || r === oe || a[s].match.fn.test(r.match.def, K(), e, true, U) !== false))
if (a[s].match.fn === null)
r = a[s]
if (i.length > 1)
if (/[0-9a-bA-Z]/.test(i[0].match.def))
return U.placeholder.charAt(e % U.placeholder.length)
return t.def
return U.placeholder.charAt(e % U.placeholder.length)
function c(e, t)
if (ue)
if (e.inputmask._valueGet() !== t && (e.placeholder !== t || e.placeholder === ""))
var n = M().slice(),
a = e.inputmask._valueGet();
if (a !== t)
var i = x();
if (i === -1 && a === D().join(""))
n = []
else if (i !== -1)
B(e, n)
else if (e.placeholder !== t)
e.placeholder = t;
if (e.placeholder === "")
var z = {
on: function e(t, n, s)
var a = function e(t)
var n = this;
if (n.inputmask === oe && this.nodeName !== "FORM")
var a = re.data(n, "_inputmask_opts");
if (a)
new fe(a).mask(n)
else z.off(n)
else if (t.type !== "setvalue" && this.nodeName !== "FORM" && (n.disabled || n.readOnly && !(t.type === "keydown" && t.ctrlKey && t.keyCode === 67 || U.tabThrough === false && t.keyCode === fe.keyCode.TAB)))
switch (t.type)
case "input":
if (l === true)
l = false;
return t.preventDefault()
if (le)
var i = arguments;
setTimeout(function ()
s.apply(n, i);
q(n, n.inputmask.caretPos, oe, true)
}, 0);
return false
case "keydown":
o = false;
l = false;
case "keypress":
if (o === true)
return t.preventDefault()
o = true;
case "click":
if (de || me)
var i = arguments;
setTimeout(function ()
s.apply(n, i)
}, 0);
return false
var r = s.apply(n, arguments);
if (r === false)
return r
t.inputmask.events[n] = t.inputmask.events[n] || [];
if (re.inArray(n, ["submit", "reset"]) !== -1)
if (t.form !== null)
re(t.form).on(n, a)
re(t).on(n, a)
off: function e(a, t)
if (a.inputmask && a.inputmask.events)
var n;
if (t)
n = [];
n[t] = a.inputmask.events[t]
n = a.inputmask.events
re.each(n, function (e, t)
while (t.length > 0)
var n = t.pop();
if (re.inArray(e, ["submit", "reset"]) !== -1)
if (a.form !== null)
re(a.form).off(e, n)
re(a).off(e, n)
delete a.inputmask.events[e]
var H = {
keydownEvent: function e(t)
var n = this,
a = re(n),
i = t.keyCode,
r = q(n);
if (i === fe.keyCode.BACKSPACE || i === fe.keyCode.DELETE || me && i === fe.keyCode.BACKSPACE_SAFARI || t.ctrlKey && i === fe.keyCode.X && !pe("cut"))
J(n, i, r);
B(n, M(true), K().p, t, n.inputmask._valueGet() !== M().join(""))
else if (i === fe.keyCode.END || i === fe.keyCode.PAGE_DOWN)
var s = j(x());
q(n, t.shiftKey ? r.begin : s, s, true)
else if (i === fe.keyCode.HOME && !t.shiftKey || i === fe.keyCode.PAGE_UP)
q(n, 0, t.shiftKey ? r.begin : 0, true)
else if ((U.undoOnEscape && i === fe.keyCode.ESCAPE || i === 90 && t.ctrlKey) && t.altKey !== true)
V(n, true, false, _.split(""));
else if (i === fe.keyCode.INSERT && !(t.shiftKey || t.ctrlKey))
U.insertMode = !U.insertMode;
n.setAttribute("im-insert", U.insertMode)
else if (U.tabThrough === true && i === fe.keyCode.TAB)
if (t.shiftKey === true)
if (E(r.begin).match.fn === null)
r.begin = j(r.begin)
r.end = G(r.begin, true);
r.begin = G(r.end, true)
r.begin = j(r.begin, true);
r.end = j(r.begin, true);
if (r.end < K().maskLength)
if (r.begin < K().maskLength)
q(n, r.begin, r.end)
U.onKeyDown.call(this, t, M(), q(n).begin, U);
k = re.inArray(i, U.ignorables) !== -1
keypressEvent: function e(t, n, a, i, r)
var s = this,
o = re(s),
c = t.which || t.charCode || t.keyCode;
if (n !== true && !(t.ctrlKey && t.altKey) && (t.ctrlKey || t.metaKey || k))
if (c === fe.keyCode.ENTER && _ !== M().join(""))
_ = M().join("");
setTimeout(function ()
}, 0)
return true
if (c)
if (c === 46 && t.shiftKey === false && U.radixPoint !== "")
c = U.radixPoint.charCodeAt(0)
var u = n ?
begin: r,
end: r
} : q(s),
l, d = String.fromCharCode(c),
m = 0;
if (U._radixDance && U.numericInput)
var f = M().indexOf(U.radixPoint.charAt(0)) + 1;
if (u.begin <= f)
if (c === U.radixPoint.charCodeAt(0))
m = 1
u.begin -= 1;
u.end -= 1
K().writeOutBuffer = true;
var p = N(u, d, i);
if (p !== false)
l = p.caret !== oe ? p.caret : j(p.pos.begin ? p.pos.begin : p.pos);
K().p = l
l = (U.numericInput && p.caret === oe ? G(l) : l) + m;
if (a !== false)
setTimeout(function ()
U.onKeyValidation.call(s, c, p, U)
}, 0);
if (K().writeOutBuffer && p !== false)
var h = M();
B(s, h, l, t, n !== true)
if (n)
if (p !== false)
p.forwardPosition = l
return p
pasteEvent: function e(t)
var n = this,
a = t.originalEvent || t,
i = re(n),
r = n.inputmask._valueGet(true),
s = q(n),
if (g)
o = s.end;
s.end = s.begin;
s.begin = o
var c = r.substr(0, s.begin),
u = r.substr(s.end, r.length);
if (c === (g ? D().reverse() : D()).slice(0, s.begin).join(""))
c = ""
if (u === (g ? D().reverse() : D()).slice(s.end).join(""))
u = ""
if (se.clipboardData && se.clipboardData.getData)
r = c + se.clipboardData.getData("Text") + u
else if (a.clipboardData && a.clipboardData.getData)
r = c + a.clipboardData.getData("text/plain") + u
else return true;
var l = r;
if (re.isFunction(U.onBeforePaste))
l = U.onBeforePaste.call(d, r, U);
if (l === false)
return t.preventDefault()
if (!l)
l = r
V(n, false, false, l.toString().split(""));
B(n, M(), j(x()), t, _ !== M().join(""));
return t.preventDefault()
inputFallBackEvent: function e(t)
function n(e, t, n)
if (t.charAt(n.begin - 1) === "." && U.radixPoint !== "")
t = t.split("");
t[n.begin - 1] = U.radixPoint.charAt(0);
t = t.join("")
return t
function a(e, t, n)
if (de)
var a = t.replace(M().join(""), "");
if (a.length === 1)
var i = t.split("");
i.splice(n.begin, 0, a);
t = i.join("")
return t
var i = this,
r = i.inputmask._valueGet();
if (M().join("") !== r)
var s = q(i);
r = n(i, r, s);
r = a(i, r, s);
if (M().join("") !== r)
var o = M().join(""),
c = !U.numericInput && r.length > o.length ? -1 : 0,
u = r.substr(0, s.begin),
l = r.substr(s.begin),
d = o.substr(0, s.begin + c),
m = o.substr(s.begin + c);
var f = s,
p = "",
h = false;
if (u !== d)
var g = (h = u.length >= d.length) ? u.length : d.length,
for (_ = 0; u.charAt(_) === d.charAt(_) && _ < g; _++)
if (h)
f.begin = _ - c;
p += u.slice(_, f.end)
if (l !== m)
if (l.length > m.length)
p += l.slice(0, 1)
if (l.length < m.length)
f.end += m.length - l.length;
if (!h && U.radixPoint !== "" && l === "" && u.charAt(f.begin + c - 1) === U.radixPoint)
p = U.radixPoint
B(i, M(),
begin: f.begin + c,
end: f.end + c
if (p.length > 0)
re.each(p.split(""), function (e, t)
var n = new re.Event("keypress");
n.which = t.charCodeAt(0);
k = false;
H.keypressEvent.call(i, n)
if (f.begin === f.end - 1)
f.begin = G(f.begin + 1);
if (f.begin === f.end - 1)
q(i, f.begin)
q(i, f.begin, f.end)
var v = new re.Event("keydown");
v.keyCode = U.numericInput ? fe.keyCode.BACKSPACE : fe.keyCode.DELETE;
H.keydownEvent.call(i, v)
beforeInputEvent: function e(t)
if (t.cancelable)
var a = this;
switch (t.inputType)
case "insertText":
re.each(t.data.split(""), function (e, t)
var n = new re.Event("keypress");
n.which = t.charCodeAt(0);
k = false;
H.keypressEvent.call(a, n)
return t.preventDefault();
case "deleteContentBackward":
var n = new re.Event("keydown");
n.keyCode = fe.keyCode.BACKSPACE;
H.keydownEvent.call(a, n);
return t.preventDefault();
case "deleteContentForward":
var n = new re.Event("keydown");
n.keyCode = fe.keyCode.DELETE;
H.keydownEvent.call(a, n);
return t.preventDefault()
setValueEvent: function e(t)
this.inputmask.refreshValue = false;
var n = this,
a = t && t.detail ? t.detail[0] : arguments[1],
a = a || n.inputmask._valueGet(true);
if (re.isFunction(U.onBeforeMask))
a = U.onBeforeMask.call(d, a, U) || a
a = a.toString().split("");
V(n, true, false, a);
_ = M().join("");
if ((U.clearMaskOnLostFocus || U.clearIncomplete) && n.inputmask._valueGet() === D().join(""))
focusEvent: function e(t)
var n = this,
a = n.inputmask._valueGet();
if (U.showMaskOnFocus)
if (a !== M().join(""))
B(n, M(), j(x()))
else if (i === false)
q(n, j(x()))
if (U.positionCaretOnTab === true && i === false)
H.clickEvent.apply(n, [t, true])
_ = M().join("")
mouseleaveEvent: function e(t)
var n = this;
i = false;
if (U.clearMaskOnLostFocus && ce.activeElement !== n)
c(n, s)
clickEvent: function e(t, u)
function l(e)
if (U.radixPoint !== "")
var t = K().validPositions;
if (t[e] === oe || t[e].input === R(e))
if (e < j(-1))
return true
var n = re.inArray(U.radixPoint, M());
if (n !== -1)
for (var a in t)
if (n < a && t[a].input !== R(a))
return false
return true
return false
var d = this;
setTimeout(function ()
if (ce.activeElement === d)
var e = q(d);
if (u)
if (g)
e.end = e.begin
e.begin = e.end
if (e.begin === e.end)
switch (U.positionCaretOnClick)
case "none":
case "select":
q(d, 0, M().length);
case "ignore":
q(d, j(x()));
case "radixFocus":
if (l(e.begin))
var t = M().join("").indexOf(U.radixPoint);
q(d, U.numericInput ? j(t) : t);
var n = e.begin,
a = x(n, true),
i = j(a);
if (n < i)
q(d, !F(n, true) && !F(n - 1, true) ? j(n) : n)
var r = K().validPositions[a],
s = y(i, r ? r.match.locator : oe, r),
o = R(i, s.match);
if (o !== "" && M()[i] !== o && s.match.optionalQuantifier !== true && s.match.newBlockMarker !== true || !F(i, U.keepStatic) && s.match.def === o)
var c = j(i);
if (n >= c || n === i)
i = c
q(d, i)
}, 0)
cutEvent: function e(t)
var n = this,
a = re(n),
i = q(n),
r = t.originalEvent || t;
var s = se.clipboardData || r.clipboardData,
o = g ? M().slice(i.end, i.begin) : M().slice(i.begin, i.end);
s.setData("text", g ? o.reverse().join("") : o.join(""));
if (ce.execCommand)
J(n, fe.keyCode.DELETE, i);
B(n, M(), K().p, t, _ !== M().join(""))
blurEvent: function e(t)
var n = re(this),
a = this;
if (a.inputmask)
c(a, s);
var i = a.inputmask._valueGet(),
r = M().slice();
if (i !== "" || p !== oe)
if (U.clearMaskOnLostFocus)
if (x() === -1 && i === D().join(""))
r = []
if (Y(r) === false)
setTimeout(function ()
}, 0);
if (U.clearIncomplete)
if (U.clearMaskOnLostFocus)
r = []
r = D().slice()
B(a, r, oe, t)
if (_ !== M().join(""))
_ = r.join("");
mouseenterEvent: function e(t)
var n = this;
i = true;
if (ce.activeElement !== n && U.showMaskOnHover)
c(n, (g ? M().slice().reverse() : M()).join(""))
submitEvent: function e(t)
if (_ !== M().join(""))
if (U.clearMaskOnLostFocus && x() === -1 && u.inputmask._valueGet && u.inputmask._valueGet() === D().join(""))
if (U.clearIncomplete && Y(M()) === false)
if (U.removeMaskOnSubmit)
u.inputmask._valueSet(u.inputmask.unmaskedvalue(), true);
setTimeout(function ()
B(u, M())
}, 0)
resetEvent: function e(t)
u.inputmask.refreshValue = true;
setTimeout(function ()
}, 0)
function V(i, e, r, t, n)
var s = this || i.inputmask,
o = t.slice(),
c = "",
u = -1,
l = oe;
function d(e, t)
var n = f(true, 0, false).slice(e, j(e)).join("").replace(/'/g, "").indexOf(t);
return n !== -1 && !F(e) && (E(e).match.nativeDef === t.charAt(0) || E(e).match.fn === null && E(e).match.nativeDef === "'" + t.charAt(0) || E(e).match.nativeDef === " " && (E(e + 1).match.nativeDef === t.charAt(0) || E(e + 1).match.fn === null && E(e + 1).match.nativeDef === "'" + t.charAt(0)))
if (!r && U.autoUnmask !== true)
var a = D().slice(0, j(-1)).join(""),
m = o.join("").match(new RegExp("^" + fe.escapeRegex(a), "g"));
if (m && m.length > 0)
o.splice(0, m.length * a.length);
u = j(u)
u = j(u)
if (u === -1)
K().p = j(u);
u = 0
else K().p = u;
s.caretPos = {
begin: u
re.each(o, function (e, t)
if (t !== oe)
if (K().validPositions[e] === oe && o[e] === R(e) && F(e, true) && N(e, o[e], true, oe, oe, true) === false)
var n = new re.Event("_checkval");
n.which = t.charCodeAt(0);
c += t;
var a = x(oe, true);
if (!d(u, c))
l = H.keypressEvent.call(i, n, true, false, r, s.caretPos.begin);
if (l)
u = s.caretPos.begin + 1;
c = ""
l = H.keypressEvent.call(i, n, true, false, r, a + 1)
if (l)
B(oe, M(), l.forwardPosition, n, false);
s.caretPos = {
begin: l.forwardPosition,
end: l.forwardPosition
if (e)
B(i, M(), l ? l.forwardPosition : oe, n || new re.Event("checkval"), n && n.type === "input")
function n(e)
if (e)
if (e.inputmask === oe)
return e.value
if (e.inputmask && e.inputmask.refreshValue)
var t = [],
n = K().validPositions;
for (var a in n)
if (n[a].match && n[a].match.fn != null)
var i = t.length === 0 ? "" : (g ? t.reverse() : t).join("");
if (re.isFunction(U.onUnMask))
var r = (g ? M().slice().reverse() : M()).join("");
i = U.onUnMask.call(d, r, i, U)
return i
function q(e, t, n, a)
function i(e)
if (g && typeof e === "number" && (!U.greedy || U.placeholder !== "") && u)
e = u.inputmask._valueGet().length - e
return e
var r;
if (t !== oe)
if (re.isArray(t))
n = g ? t[0] : t[1];
t = g ? t[1] : t[0]
if (t.begin !== oe)
n = g ? t.begin : t.end;
t = g ? t.end : t.begin
if (typeof t === "number")
t = a ? t : i(t);
n = a ? n : i(n);
n = typeof n == "number" ? n : t;
var s = parseInt(((e.ownerDocument.defaultView || se).getComputedStyle ? (e.ownerDocument.defaultView || se).getComputedStyle(e, null) : e.currentStyle).fontSize) * n;
e.scrollLeft = s > e.scrollWidth ? s : 0;
e.inputmask.caretPos = {
begin: t,
end: n
if (e === ce.activeElement)
if ("selectionStart" in e)
e.selectionStart = t;
e.selectionEnd = n
else if (se.getSelection)
r = ce.createRange();
if (e.firstChild === oe || e.firstChild === null)
var o = ce.createTextNode("");
r.setStart(e.firstChild, t < e.inputmask._valueGet().length ? t : e.inputmask._valueGet().length);
r.setEnd(e.firstChild, n < e.inputmask._valueGet().length ? n : e.inputmask._valueGet().length);
var c = se.getSelection();
else if (e.createTextRange)
r = e.createTextRange();
r.moveEnd("character", n);
r.moveStart("character", t);
begin: t,
end: n
if ("selectionStart" in e)
t = e.selectionStart;
n = e.selectionEnd
else if (se.getSelection)
r = se.getSelection().getRangeAt(0);
if (r.commonAncestorContainer.parentNode === e || r.commonAncestorContainer === e)
t = r.startOffset;
n = r.endOffset
else if (ce.selection && ce.selection.createRange)
r = ce.selection.createRange();
t = 0 - r.duplicate().moveStart("character", -e.inputmask._valueGet().length);
n = t + r.text.length
return {
begin: a ? t : i(t),
end: a ? n : i(n)
function W(e)
var t = f(true, x(), true, true),
n = t.length,
a, i = x(),
r = {},
s = K().validPositions[i],
o = s !== oe ? s.locator.slice() : oe,
for (a = i + 1; a < t.length; a++)
c = y(a, o, a - 1);
o = c.locator.slice();
r[a] = re.extend(true,
{}, c)
var u = s && s.alternation !== oe ? s.locator[s.alternation] : oe;
for (a = n - 1; a > i; a--)
c = r[a];
if ((c.match.optionality || c.match.optionalQuantifier && c.match.newBlockMarker || u && (u !== r[a].locator[s.alternation] && c.match.fn != null || c.match.fn === null && c.locator[s.alternation] && P(c.locator[s.alternation].toString().split(","), u.toString().split(",")) && S(a)[0].def !== "")) && t[a] === R(a, c.match))
else break
return e ?
l: n,
def: r[n] ? r[n].match : oe
} : n
function Z(e)
e.length = 0;
var t = f(true, 0, true, oe, true),
while (n = t.shift(), n !== oe)
return e
function Y(e)
if (re.isFunction(U.isComplete))
return U.isComplete(e, U)
if (U.repeat === "*")
return oe
var t = false,
n = W(true),
a = G(n.l);
if (n.def === oe || n.def.newBlockMarker || n.def.optionality || n.def.optionalQuantifier)
t = true;
for (var i = 0; i <= a; i++)
var r = y(i).match;
if (r.fn !== null && K().validPositions[i] === oe && r.optionality !== true && r.optionalQuantifier !== true || r.fn === null && e[i] !== R(i, r))
t = false;
return t
function J(e, t, n, a, i)
if (U.numericInput || g)
if (t === fe.keyCode.BACKSPACE)
t = fe.keyCode.DELETE
else if (t === fe.keyCode.DELETE)
t = fe.keyCode.BACKSPACE
if (g)
var r = n.end;
n.end = n.begin;
n.begin = r
if (t === fe.keyCode.BACKSPACE && n.end - n.begin < 1)
n.begin = G(n.begin);
if (K().validPositions[n.begin] !== oe && K().validPositions[n.begin].input === U.groupSeparator)
else if (t === fe.keyCode.DELETE && n.begin === n.end)
n.end = F(n.end, true) && K().validPositions[n.end] && K().validPositions[n.end].input !== U.radixPoint ? n.end + 1 : j(n.end) + 1;
if (K().validPositions[n.begin] !== oe && K().validPositions[n.begin].input === U.groupSeparator)
if (a !== true && U.keepStatic !== false || U.regex !== null)
var s = T(true);
if (s)
var o = s.caret !== oe ? s.caret : s.pos ? j(s.pos.begin ? s.pos.begin : s.pos) : x(-1, true);
if (t !== fe.keyCode.DELETE || n.begin > o)
n.begin == o
var c = x(n.begin, true);
if (c < n.begin || n.begin === -1)
K().p = j(c)
else if (a !== true)
K().p = n.begin;
if (i !== true)
while (K().p < c && K().validPositions[K().p] === oe)
function Q(u)
var l = (u.ownerDocument.defaultView || se).getComputedStyle(u, null);
function t(e)
var t = ce.createElement("span"),
for (var a in l)
if (isNaN(a) && a.indexOf("font") !== -1)
t.style[a] = l[a]
t.style.textTransform = l.textTransform;
t.style.letterSpacing = l.letterSpacing;
t.style.position = "absolute";
t.style.height = "auto";
t.style.width = "auto";
t.style.visibility = "hidden";
t.style.whiteSpace = "nowrap";
var i = u.inputmask._valueGet(),
r = 0,
for (n = 0, s = i.length; n <= s; n++)
t.innerHTML += i.charAt(n) || "_";
if (t.offsetWidth >= e)
var o = e - r;
var c = t.offsetWidth - e;
t.innerHTML = i.charAt(n);
o -= t.offsetWidth / 3;
n = o < c ? n - 1 : n;
r = t.offsetWidth
return n
var e = ce.createElement("div");
e.style.width = l.width;
e.style.textAlign = l.textAlign;
p = ce.createElement("div");
u.inputmask.colorMask = p;
p.className = "im-colormask";
u.parentNode.insertBefore(p, u);
u.style.left = e.offsetLeft + "px";
re(p).on("mouseleave", function (e)
return H.mouseleaveEvent.call(u, [e])
re(p).on("mouseenter", function (e)
return H.mouseenterEvent.call(u, [e])
re(p).on("click", function (e)
q(u, t(e.clientX));
return H.clickEvent.call(u, [e])
function $(e, t, n)
var a = [],
i = false,
r, s, o, c = 0;
function u(e)
if (e === oe)
e = ""
if (!i && (r.fn === null || s.input === oe))
i = true;
a.push("" + e)
else if (i && (r.fn !== null && s.input !== oe || r.def === ""))
i = false;
var t = a.length;
a[t - 1] = a[t - 1] + "";
else a.push(e)
function l()
if (ce.activeElement === e)
a.splice(t.begin, 0, t.begin === t.end || t.end > K().maskLength ? '' : '');
a.splice(t.end + 1, 0, "")
if (p !== oe)
var d = M();
if (t === oe)
t = q(e)
else if (t.begin === oe)
t = {
begin: t,
end: t
if (n !== true)
var m = x();
do {
if (K().validPositions[c])
s = K().validPositions[c];
r = s.match;
o = s.locator.slice();
s = y(c, o, c - 1);
r = s.match;
o = s.locator.slice();
if (U.jitMasking === false || c < m || typeof U.jitMasking === "number" && isFinite(U.jitMasking) && U.jitMasking > c)
u(R(c, r))
else i = false
} while ((v === oe || c < v) && (r.fn !== null || r.def !== "") || m > c || i);
if (i)
var f = p.getElementsByTagName("div")[0];
f.innerHTML = a.join("");
e.inputmask.positionColorMask(e, f)
function a(e)
function t(e, c)
function t(e)
var t;
var n;
function a(e)
if (re.valHooks && (re.valHooks[e] === oe || re.valHooks[e].inputmaskpatch !== true))
var a = re.valHooks[e] && re.valHooks[e].get ? re.valHooks[e].get : function (e)
return e.value
var r = re.valHooks[e] && re.valHooks[e].set ? re.valHooks[e].set : function (e, t)
e.value = t;
return e
re.valHooks[e] = {
get: function e(t)
if (t.inputmask)
if (t.inputmask.opts.autoUnmask)
return t.inputmask.unmaskedvalue()
var n = a(t);
return x(oe, oe, t.inputmask.maskset.validPositions) !== -1 || c.nullable !== true ? n : ""
else return a(t)
set: function e(t, n)
var a = re(t),
i = r(t, n);
if (t.inputmask)
a.trigger("setvalue", [n])
return i
inputmaskpatch: true
function i()
if (this.inputmask)
return this.inputmask.opts.autoUnmask ? this.inputmask.unmaskedvalue() : x() !== -1 || c.nullable !== true ? ce.activeElement === this && c.clearMaskOnLostFocus ? (g ? Z(M().slice()).reverse() : Z(M().slice())).join("") : t.call(this) : ""
else return t.call(this)
function r(e)
n.call(this, e);
if (this.inputmask)
re(this).trigger("setvalue", [e])
function s(e)
z.on(e, "mouseenter", function (e)
var t = re(this),
n = this,
a = n.inputmask._valueGet();
if (a !== M().join(""))
if (!e.inputmask.__valueGet)
if (c.noValuePatching !== true)
if (Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor)
if (typeof Object.getPrototypeOf !== "function")
Object.getPrototypeOf = _typeof("test".__proto__) === "object" ? function (e)
return e.__proto__
} : function (e)
return e.constructor.prototype
var o = Object.getPrototypeOf ? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Object.getPrototypeOf(e), "value") : oe;
if (o && o.get && o.set)
t = o.get;
n = o.set;
Object.defineProperty(e, "value",
get: i,
set: r,
configurable: true
else if (e.tagName !== "INPUT")
t = function e()
return this.textContent
n = function e(t)
this.textContent = t
Object.defineProperty(e, "value",
get: i,
set: r,
configurable: true
else if (ce.__lookupGetter__ && e.__lookupGetter__("value"))
t = e.__lookupGetter__("value");
n = e.__lookupSetter__("value");
e.__defineGetter__("value", i);
e.__defineSetter__("value", r)
e.inputmask.__valueGet = t;
e.inputmask.__valueSet = n
e.inputmask._valueGet = function (e)
return g && e !== true ? t.call(this.el).split("").reverse().join("") : t.call(this.el)
e.inputmask._valueSet = function (e, t)
n.call(this.el, e === null || e === oe ? "" : t !== true && g ? e.split("").reverse().join("") : e)
if (t === oe)
t = function e()
return this.value
n = function e(t)
this.value = t
var n = e.getAttribute("type");
var a = e.tagName === "INPUT" && re.inArray(n, c.supportsInputType) !== -1 || e.isContentEditable || e.tagName === "TEXTAREA";
if (!a)
if (e.tagName === "INPUT")
var i = ce.createElement("input");
i.setAttribute("type", n);
a = i.type === "text";
i = null
else a = "partial"
if (a !== false)
else e.inputmask = oe;
return a
var n = t(e, U);
if (n !== false)
u = e;
r = re(u);
s = u.placeholder;
v = u !== oe ? u.maxLength : oe;
if (v === -1)
v = oe
if (U.colorMask === true)
if (le)
if ("inputMode" in u)
u.inputmode = U.inputmode;
u.setAttribute("inputmode", U.inputmode)
if (U.disablePredictiveText === true)
if ("autocorrect" in u)
u.autocorrect = false
if (U.colorMask !== true)
u.type = "password"
if (n === true)
u.setAttribute("im-insert", U.insertMode);
z.on(u, "submit", H.submitEvent);
z.on(u, "reset", H.resetEvent);
z.on(u, "blur", H.blurEvent);
z.on(u, "focus", H.focusEvent);
if (U.colorMask !== true)
z.on(u, "click", H.clickEvent);
z.on(u, "mouseleave", H.mouseleaveEvent);
z.on(u, "mouseenter", H.mouseenterEvent)
z.on(u, "paste", H.pasteEvent);
z.on(u, "cut", H.cutEvent);
z.on(u, "complete", U.oncomplete);
z.on(u, "incomplete", U.onincomplete);
z.on(u, "cleared", U.oncleared);
if (!le && U.inputEventOnly !== true)
z.on(u, "keydown", H.keydownEvent);
z.on(u, "keypress", H.keypressEvent)
z.on(u, "input", H.inputFallBackEvent);
z.on(u, "beforeinput", H.beforeInputEvent)
z.on(u, "setvalue", H.setValueEvent);
_ = D().join("");
if (u.inputmask._valueGet(true) !== "" || U.clearMaskOnLostFocus === false || ce.activeElement === u)
var a = re.isFunction(U.onBeforeMask) ? U.onBeforeMask.call(d, u.inputmask._valueGet(true), U) || u.inputmask._valueGet(true) : u.inputmask._valueGet(true);
if (a !== "")
V(u, true, false, a.split(""))
var i = M().slice();
_ = i.join("");
if (Y(i) === false)
if (U.clearIncomplete)
if (U.clearMaskOnLostFocus && ce.activeElement !== u)
if (x() === -1)
i = []
if (U.clearMaskOnLostFocus === false || U.showMaskOnFocus && ce.activeElement === u || u.inputmask._valueGet(true) !== "")
B(u, i)
if (ce.activeElement === u)
q(u, j(x()))
var X;
if (e !== oe)
switch (e.action)
case "isComplete":
u = e.el;
return Y(M());
case "unmaskedvalue":
if (u === oe || e.value !== oe)
X = e.value;
X = (re.isFunction(U.onBeforeMask) ? U.onBeforeMask.call(d, X, U) || X : X).split("");
V.call(this, oe, false, false, X);
if (re.isFunction(U.onBeforeWrite))
U.onBeforeWrite.call(d, oe, M(), 0, U)
return n(u);
case "mask":
case "format":
X = (re.isFunction(U.onBeforeMask) ? U.onBeforeMask.call(d, e.value, U) || e.value : e.value).split("");
V.call(this, oe, true, false, X);
if (e.metadata)
return {
value: g ? M().slice().reverse().join("") : M().join(""),
metadata: he.call(this,
action: "getmetadata"
}, t, U)
return g ? M().slice().reverse().join("") : M().join("");
case "isValid":
if (e.value)
X = e.value.split("");
V.call(this, oe, true, true, X)
e.value = M().join("")
var ee = M();
var te = W(),
ne = ee.length - 1;
for (; ne > te; ne--)
if (F(ne))
ee.splice(te, ne + 1 - te);
return Y(ee) && e.value === M().join("");
case "getemptymask":
return D().join("");
case "remove":
if (u && u.inputmask)
re.data(u, "_inputmask_opts", null);
r = re(u);
u.inputmask._valueSet(U.autoUnmask ? n(u) : u.inputmask._valueGet(true));
if (u.inputmask.colorMask)
p = u.inputmask.colorMask;
p.parentNode.insertBefore(u, p);
var ae;
if (Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor && Object.getPrototypeOf)
ae = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Object.getPrototypeOf(u), "value");
if (ae)
if (u.inputmask.__valueGet)
Object.defineProperty(u, "value",
get: u.inputmask.__valueGet,
set: u.inputmask.__valueSet,
configurable: true
else if (ce.__lookupGetter__ && u.__lookupGetter__("value"))
if (u.inputmask.__valueGet)
u.__defineGetter__("value", u.inputmask.__valueGet);
u.__defineSetter__("value", u.inputmask.__valueSet)
u.inputmask = oe
return u;
case "getmetadata":
if (re.isArray(t.metadata))
var ie = f(true, 0, false).join("");
re.each(t.metadata, function (e, t)
if (t.mask === ie)
ie = t;
return false
return ie
return t.metadata
return fe.prototype = {
dataAttribute: "data-inputmask",
placeholder: "_",
optionalmarker: ["[", "]"],
quantifiermarker: ["{", "}"],
groupmarker: ["(", ")"],
alternatormarker: "|",
escapeChar: "\\",
mask: null,
regex: null,
oncomplete: re.noop,
onincomplete: re.noop,
oncleared: re.noop,
repeat: 0,
greedy: !1,
autoUnmask: !1,
removeMaskOnSubmit: !1,
clearMaskOnLostFocus: !0,
insertMode: !0,
clearIncomplete: !1,
alias: null,
onKeyDown: re.noop,
onBeforeMask: null,
onBeforePaste: function (e, t)
return re.isFunction(t.onBeforeMask) ? t.onBeforeMask.call(this, e, t) : e
onBeforeWrite: null,
onUnMask: null,
showMaskOnFocus: !0,
showMaskOnHover: !0,
onKeyValidation: re.noop,
skipOptionalPartCharacter: " ",
numericInput: !1,
rightAlign: !1,
undoOnEscape: !0,
radixPoint: "",
_radixDance: !1,
groupSeparator: "",
keepStatic: null,
positionCaretOnTab: !0,
tabThrough: !1,
supportsInputType: ["text", "tel", "url", "password", "search"],
ignorables: [8, 9, 13, 19, 27, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 45, 46, 93, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 0, 229],
isComplete: null,
preValidation: null,
postValidation: null,
staticDefinitionSymbol: oe,
jitMasking: !1,
nullable: !0,
inputEventOnly: !1,
noValuePatching: !1,
positionCaretOnClick: "lvp",
casing: null,
inputmode: "verbatim",
colorMask: !1,
disablePredictiveText: !1,
importDataAttributes: !0,
shiftPositions: !0
validator: "[0-91-9]",
definitionSymbol: "*"
validator: "[A-Za-zА-яЁёÀ-ÿµ]",
definitionSymbol: "*"
validator: "[0-91-9A-Za-zА-яЁёÀ-ÿµ]"
mask: function (e)
var i = this;
return "string" == typeof e && (e = ce.getElementById(e) || ce.querySelectorAll(e)), e = e.nodeName ? [e] : e, re.each(e, function (e, t)
var n = re.extend(!0,
{}, i.opts);
if (function (n, e, a, i)
if (!0 === e.importDataAttributes)
var t, r, s, o, c = n.getAttribute(i),
u = function (e, t)
null !== (t = t !== oe ? t : n.getAttribute(i + "-" + e)) && ("string" == typeof t && (0 === e.indexOf("on") ? t = se[t] : "false" === t ? t = !1 : "true" === t && (t = !0)), a[e] = t)
if (c && "" !== c && (c = c.replace(/'/g, '"'), r = JSON.parse("{" + c + "}")), r)
for (o in s = oe, r)
if ("alias" === o.toLowerCase())
s = r[o];
} for (t in u("alias", s), a.alias && l(a.alias, a, e), e)
if (r)
for (o in s = oe, r)
if (o.toLowerCase() === t.toLowerCase())
s = r[o];
} u(t, s)
return re.extend(!0, e, a), "rtl" !== n.dir && !e.rightAlign || (n.style.textAlign = "right"), "rtl" !== n.dir && !e.numericInput || (n.dir = "ltr", n.removeAttribute("dir"), e.isRTL = !0), Object.keys(a).length
}(t, n, re.extend(!0,
{}, i.userOptions), i.dataAttribute))
var a = r(n, i.noMasksCache);
a !== oe && (t.inputmask !== oe && (t.inputmask.opts.autoUnmask = !0, t.inputmask.remove()), t.inputmask = new fe(oe, oe, !0), t.inputmask.opts = n, t.inputmask.noMasksCache = i.noMasksCache, t.inputmask.userOptions = re.extend(!0,
{}, i.userOptions), t.inputmask.isRTL = n.isRTL || n.numericInput, (t.inputmask.el = t).inputmask.maskset = a, re.data(t, "_inputmask_opts", n), he.call(t.inputmask,
action: "mask"
}), e && e[0] && e[0].inputmask || this
option: function (e, t)
return "string" == typeof e ? this.opts[e] : "object" === _typeof(e) ? (re.extend(this.userOptions, e), this.el && !0 !== t && this.mask(this.el), this) : void 0
unmaskedvalue: function (e)
return this.maskset = this.maskset || r(this.opts, this.noMasksCache), he.call(this,
action: "unmaskedvalue",
value: e
remove: function ()
return he.call(this,
action: "remove"
getemptymask: function ()
return this.maskset = this.maskset || r(this.opts, this.noMasksCache), he.call(this,
action: "getemptymask"
hasMaskedValue: function ()
return !this.opts.autoUnmask
isComplete: function ()
return this.maskset = this.maskset || r(this.opts, this.noMasksCache), he.call(this,
action: "isComplete"
getmetadata: function ()
return this.maskset = this.maskset || r(this.opts, this.noMasksCache), he.call(this,
action: "getmetadata"
isValid: function (e)
return this.maskset = this.maskset || r(this.opts, this.noMasksCache), he.call(this,
action: "isValid",
value: e
format: function (e, t)
return this.maskset = this.maskset || r(this.opts, this.noMasksCache), he.call(this,
action: "format",
value: e,
metadata: t
setValue: function (e)
this.el && re(this.el).trigger("setvalue", [e])
analyseMask: function (e, r, s)
var t, n, a, i, o, c, u = /(?:[?*+]|\{[0-9\+\*]+(?:,[0-9\+\*]*)?(?:\|[0-9\+\*]*)?\})|[^.?*+^${[]()|\\]+|./g,
l = /\[\^?]?(?:[^\\\]]+|\\[\S\s]?)*]?|\\(?:0(?:[0-3][0-7]{0,2}|[4-7][0-7]?)?|[1-9][0-9]*|x[0-9A-Fa-f]{2}|u[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}|c[A-Za-z]|[\S\s]?)|\((?:\?[:=!]?)?|(?:[?*+]|\{[0-9]+(?:,[0-9]*)?\})\??|[^.?*+^${[()|\\]+|./g,
d = !1,
m = new h,
f = [],
p = [];
function h(e, t, n, a)
this.matches = [], this.openGroup = e || !1, this.alternatorGroup = !1, this.isGroup = e || !1, this.isOptional = t || !1, this.isQuantifier = n || !1, this.isAlternator = a || !1, this.quantifier = {
min: 1,
max: 1
function g(n, e, a)
a = a !== oe ? a : n.matches.length;
var i = n.matches[a - 1];
if (r) 0 === e.indexOf("[") || d && /\\d|\\s|\\w]/i.test(e) || "." === e ? n.matches.splice(a++, 0,
fn: new RegExp(e, s.casing ? "i" : ""),
optionality: !1,
newBlockMarker: i === oe ? "master" : i.def !== e,
casing: null,
def: e,
placeholder: oe,
nativeDef: e
}) : (d && (e = e[e.length - 1]), re.each(e.split(""), function (e, t)
i = n.matches[a - 1], n.matches.splice(a++, 0,
fn: null,
optionality: !1,
newBlockMarker: i === oe ? "master" : i.def !== t && null !== i.fn,
casing: null,
def: s.staticDefinitionSymbol || t,
placeholder: s.staticDefinitionSymbol !== oe ? t : oe,
nativeDef: (d ? "'" : "") + t
})), d = !1;
var t = (s.definitions ? s.definitions[e] : oe) || fe.prototype.definitions[e];
t && !d ? n.matches.splice(a++, 0,
fn: t.validator ? "string" == typeof t.validator ? new RegExp(t.validator, s.casing ? "i" : "") : new function ()
this.test = t.validator
} : new RegExp("."),
optionality: !1,
newBlockMarker: i === oe ? "master" : i.def !== (t.definitionSymbol || e),
casing: t.casing,
def: t.definitionSymbol || e,
placeholder: t.placeholder,
nativeDef: e
}) : (n.matches.splice(a++, 0,
fn: null,
optionality: !1,
newBlockMarker: i === oe ? "master" : i.def !== e && null !== i.fn,
casing: null,
def: s.staticDefinitionSymbol || e,
placeholder: s.staticDefinitionSymbol !== oe ? e : oe,
nativeDef: (d ? "'" : "") + e
}), d = !1)
function _()
if (0 < f.length)
if (g(i = f[f.length - 1], n), i.isAlternator)
o = f.pop();
for (var e = 0; e < o.matches.length; e++) o.matches[e].isGroup && (o.matches[e].isGroup = !1);
0 < f.length ? (i = f[f.length - 1]).matches.push(o) : m.matches.push(o)
else g(m, n)
function v(e)
var t = new h(!0);
return t.openGroup = !1, t.matches = e, t
for (r && (s.optionalmarker[0] = oe, s.optionalmarker[1] = oe); t = r ? l.exec(e) : u.exec(e);)
if (n = t[0], r) switch (n.charAt(0))
case "?":
n = "{0,1}";
case "+":
case "*":
n = "{" + n + "}"
if (d) _();
else switch (n.charAt(0))
case "(?=":
case "(?!":
case "(?<=":
case "(?= e.day) && t
function n(e, t)
var n = !0;
if (t.min)
if (e.rawyear)
var a = e.rawyear.replace(/[^0-9]/g, ""),
i = t.min.year.substr(0, a.length);
n = i <= a
e.year === e.rawyear && t.min.date.getTime() == t.min.date.getTime() && (n = t.min.date.getTime() <= e.date.getTime())
if (n && t.max && t.max.date.getTime() == t.max.date.getTime()) n = t.max.date.getTime() >= e.date.getTime();
return n
function s(e, t, n, a)
var i = "",
while (r = f(n).exec(e))
if (t === undefined)
if (m[r[0]])
i += "(" + m[r[0]][0] + ")"
switch (r[0])
case "[":
i += "(";
case "]":
i += ")?";
i += o.escapeRegex(r[0])
if (m[r[0]])
if (a !== true && m[r[0]][3])
var s = m[r[0]][3];
i += s.call(t.date)
else if (m[r[0]][2])
i += t["raw" + m[r[0]][2]]
else i += r[0]
else i += r[0]
return i
function u(e, t)
e = String(e);
t = t || 2;
while (e.length < t)
e = "0" + e
return e
function l(e, t, r)
var n = {
date: new Date(1, 0, 1)
s, a = e,
i, o, c;
function u(e)
var t = e.replace(/[^0-9]/g, "0");
if (t != e)
var n = e.replace(/[^0-9]/g, ""),
a = (r.min && r.min[s] || e).toString(),
i = (r.max && r.max[s] || e).toString();
t = n + (n < a.slice(0, n.length) ? a.slice(n.length) : n > i.slice(0, n.length) ? i.slice(n.length) : t.toString().slice(n.length))
return t
function l(e, t, n)
e[s] = u(t);
e["raw" + s] = t;
if (o !== undefined)
o.call(e.date, s == "month" ? parseInt(e[s]) - 1 : e[s])
if (typeof a === "string")
while (i = f(r).exec(t))
var d = a.slice(0, i[0].length);
if (m.hasOwnProperty(i[0]))
c = m[i[0]][0];
s = m[i[0]][2];
o = m[i[0]][1];
l(n, d)
a = a.slice(d.length)
return n
else if (a && _typeof(a) === "object" && a.hasOwnProperty("date"))
return a
return undefined
return o.extendAliases(
mask: function (e)
return m.S = e.i18n.ordinalSuffix.join("|"), e.inputFormat = t[e.inputFormat] || e.inputFormat, e.displayFormat = t[e.displayFormat] || e.displayFormat || e.inputFormat, e.outputFormat = t[e.outputFormat] || e.outputFormat || e.inputFormat, e.placeholder = "" !== e.placeholder ? e.placeholder : e.inputFormat.replace(/[\[\]]/, ""), e.regex = s(e.inputFormat, void 0, e), null
placeholder: "",
inputFormat: "isoDateTime",
displayFormat: void 0,
outputFormat: void 0,
min: null,
max: null,
dayNames: ["Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"],
monthNames: ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec", "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"],
ordinalSuffix: ["st", "nd", "rd", "th"]
postValidation: function (e, t, n, a)
a.min = l(a.min, a.inputFormat, a), a.max = l(a.max, a.inputFormat, a);
var i = n,
r = l(e.join(""), a.inputFormat, a);
return i && r.date.getTime() == r.date.getTime() && (i = (i = function (e, t)
return (!isFinite(e.rawday) || "29" == e.day && !isFinite(e.rawyear) || new Date(e.date.getFullYear(), isFinite(e.rawmonth) ? e.month : e.date.getMonth() + 1, 0).getDate() >= e.day) && t
}(r, i)) && function (e, t)
var n = !0;
if (t.min)
if (e.rawyear)
var a = e.rawyear.replace(/[^0-9]/g, ""),
i = t.min.year.substr(0, a.length);
n = i <= a
e.year === e.rawyear && t.min.date.getTime() == t.min.date.getTime() && (n = t.min.date.getTime() <= e.date.getTime())
n && t.max && t.max.date.getTime() == t.max.date.getTime() && (n = t.max.date.getTime() >= e.date.getTime());
return n
}(r, a)), t && i && n.pos !== t ?
buffer: s(a.inputFormat, r, a),
start: t,
end: n.pos
} : i
onKeyDown: function (e, t, n, a)
if (e.ctrlKey && e.keyCode === o.keyCode.RIGHT)
for (var i, r = new Date, s = ""; i = f(a).exec(a.inputFormat);) "d" === i[0].charAt(0) ? s += u(r.getDate(), i[0].length) : "m" === i[0].charAt(0) ? s += u(r.getMonth() + 1, i[0].length) : "yyyy" === i[0] ? s += r.getFullYear().toString() : "y" === i[0].charAt(0) && (s += u(r.getYear(), i[0].length));
this.inputmask._valueSet(s), c(this).trigger("setvalue")
onUnMask: function (e, t, n)
return s(n.outputFormat, l(e, n.inputFormat, n), n, !0)
casing: function (e, t)
return 0 == t.nativeDef.indexOf("[ap]") ? e.toLowerCase() : 0 == t.nativeDef.indexOf("[AP]") ? e.toUpperCase() : e
insertMode: !1,
shiftPositions: !1
}), o
inputmask_numeric_extensions = createCommonjsModule(function (e, t)
e.exports = function (g)
var _ = g.dependencyLib;
function s(e, t)
var n = "";
for (var a = 0; a < e.length; a++)
if (g.prototype.definitions[e.charAt(a)] || t.definitions[e.charAt(a)] || t.optionalmarker.start === e.charAt(a) || t.optionalmarker.end === e.charAt(a) || t.quantifiermarker.start === e.charAt(a) || t.quantifiermarker.end === e.charAt(a) || t.groupmarker.start === e.charAt(a) || t.groupmarker.end === e.charAt(a) || t.alternatormarker === e.charAt(a))
n += "\\" + e.charAt(a)
else n += e.charAt(a)
return n
function e(e, t, n)
if (0 < t)
var a = _.inArray(n.radixPoint, e); - 1 === a && (e.push(n.radixPoint), a = e.length - 1);
for (var i = 1; i <= t; i++) e[a + i] = e[a + i] || "0"
return e
return g.extendAliases(
mask: function (e)
if (0 !== e.repeat && isNaN(e.integerDigits) && (e.integerDigits = e.repeat), e.repeat = 0, e.groupSeparator === e.radixPoint && e.digits && "0" !== e.digits && ("." === e.radixPoint ? e.groupSeparator = "," : "," === e.radixPoint ? e.groupSeparator = "." : e.groupSeparator = ""), " " === e.groupSeparator && (e.skipOptionalPartCharacter = void 0), e.autoGroup = e.autoGroup && "" !== e.groupSeparator, e.autoGroup && ("string" == typeof e.groupSize && isFinite(e.groupSize) && (e.groupSize = parseInt(e.groupSize)), isFinite(e.integerDigits)))
var t = Math.floor(e.integerDigits / e.groupSize),
n = e.integerDigits % e.groupSize;
e.integerDigits = parseInt(e.integerDigits) + (0 == n ? t - 1 : t), e.integerDigits < 1 && (e.integerDigits = "*")
1 < e.placeholder.length && (e.placeholder = e.placeholder.charAt(0)), "radixFocus" === e.positionCaretOnClick && "" === e.placeholder && !1 === e.integerOptional && (e.positionCaretOnClick = "lvp"), e.definitions[";"] = e.definitions["~"], e.definitions[";"].definitionSymbol = "~", !0 === e.numericInput && (e.positionCaretOnClick = "radixFocus" === e.positionCaretOnClick ? "lvp" : e.positionCaretOnClick, e.digitsOptional = !1, isNaN(e.digits) && (e.digits = 2), e.decimalProtect = !1);
var a = "[+]";
if (a += s(e.prefix, e), !0 === e.integerOptional ? a += "~{1," + e.integerDigits + "}" : a += "~{" + e.integerDigits + "}", void 0 !== e.digits)
var i = e.decimalProtect ? ":" : e.radixPoint,
r = e.digits.toString().split(",");
isFinite(r[0]) && r[1] && isFinite(r[1]) ? a += i + ";{" + e.digits + "}" : (isNaN(e.digits) || 0 < parseInt(e.digits)) && (e.digitsOptional ? a += "[" + i + ";{1," + e.digits + "}]" : a += i + ";{" + e.digits + "}")
return a += s(e.suffix, e), a += "[-]", e.greedy = !1, a
placeholder: "",
greedy: !1,
digits: "*",
digitsOptional: !0,
enforceDigitsOnBlur: !1,
radixPoint: ".",
positionCaretOnClick: "radixFocus",
groupSize: 3,
groupSeparator: "",
autoGroup: !1,
allowMinus: !0,
front: "-",
back: ""
integerDigits: "+",
integerOptional: !0,
prefix: "",
suffix: "",
rightAlign: !0,
decimalProtect: !0,
min: null,
max: null,
step: 1,
insertMode: !0,
autoUnmask: !1,
unmaskAsNumber: !1,
inputType: "text",
inputmode: "numeric",
preValidation: function (e, t, n, a, i, r)
if ("-" === n || n === i.negationSymbol.front) return !0 === i.allowMinus && (i.isNegative = void 0 === i.isNegative || !i.isNegative, "" === e.join("") ||
caret: r.validPositions[t] ? t : void 0,
dopost: !0
if (!1 === a && n === i.radixPoint && void 0 !== i.digits && (isNaN(i.digits) || 0 < parseInt(i.digits)))
var s = _.inArray(i.radixPoint, e);
if (-1 !== s && void 0 !== r.validPositions[s]) return !0 === i.numericInput ? t === s :
caret: s + 1
return !0
postValidation: function (e, t, n, a)
var i = a.suffix.split(""),
r = a.prefix.split("");
if (void 0 === n.pos && void 0 !== n.caret && !0 !== n.dopost) return n;
var s = void 0 !== n.caret ? n.caret : n.pos,
o = e.slice();
a.numericInput && (s = o.length - s - 1, o = o.reverse());
var c = o[s];
if (c === a.groupSeparator && (c = o[s += 1]), s === o.length - a.suffix.length - 1 && c === a.radixPoint) return n;
void 0 !== c && c !== a.radixPoint && c !== a.negationSymbol.front && c !== a.negationSymbol.back && (o[s] = "?", 0 < a.prefix.length && s >= (!1 === a.isNegative ? 1 : 0) && s < a.prefix.length - 1 + (!1 === a.isNegative ? 1 : 0) ? r[s - (!1 === a.isNegative ? 1 : 0)] = "?" : 0 < a.suffix.length && s >= o.length - a.suffix.length - (!1 === a.isNegative ? 1 : 0) && (i[s - (o.length - a.suffix.length - (!1 === a.isNegative ? 1 : 0))] = "?")), r = r.join(""), i = i.join("");
var u = o.join("").replace(r, "");
if (u = (u = (u = (u = u.replace(i, "")).replace(new RegExp(g.escapeRegex(a.groupSeparator), "g"), "")).replace(new RegExp("[-" + g.escapeRegex(a.negationSymbol.front) + "]", "g"), "")).replace(new RegExp(g.escapeRegex(a.negationSymbol.back) + "$"), ""), isNaN(a.placeholder) && (u = u.replace(new RegExp(g.escapeRegex(a.placeholder), "g"), "")), 1 < u.length && 1 !== u.indexOf(a.radixPoint) && ("0" === c && (u = u.replace(/^\?/g, "")), u = u.replace(/^0/g, "")), u.charAt(0) === a.radixPoint && "" !== a.radixPoint && !0 !== a.numericInput && (u = "0" + u), "" !== u)
if (u = u.split(""), (!a.digitsOptional || a.enforceDigitsOnBlur && "blur" === n.event) && isFinite(a.digits))
var l = _.inArray(a.radixPoint, u),
d = _.inArray(a.radixPoint, o); - 1 === l && (u.push(a.radixPoint), l = u.length - 1);
for (var m = 1; m <= a.digits; m++) a.digitsOptional && (!a.enforceDigitsOnBlur || "blur" !== n.event) || void 0 !== u[l + m] && u[l + m] !== a.placeholder.charAt(0) ? -1 !== d && void 0 !== o[d + m] && (u[l + m] = u[l + m] || o[d + m]) : u[l + m] = n.placeholder || a.placeholder.charAt(0)
if (!0 !== a.autoGroup || "" === a.groupSeparator || c === a.radixPoint && void 0 === n.pos && !n.dopost) u = u.join("");
var f = u[u.length - 1] === a.radixPoint && n.c === a.radixPoint;
u = g(function (e, t)
var n = "";
if (n += "(" + t.groupSeparator + "*{" + t.groupSize + "}){*}", "" !== t.radixPoint)
var a = e.join("").split(t.radixPoint);
a[1] && (n += t.radixPoint + "*{" + a[1].match(/^\d*\??\d*/)[0].length + "}")
return n
}(u, a),
numericInput: !0,
jitMasking: !0,
validator: "[0-9?]",
cardinality: 1
}).format(u.join("")), f && (u += a.radixPoint), u.charAt(0) === a.groupSeparator && u.substr(1)
if (a.isNegative && "blur" === n.event && (a.isNegative = "0" !== u), u = r + u, u += i, a.isNegative && (u = a.negationSymbol.front + u, u += a.negationSymbol.back), u = u.split(""), void 0 !== c)
if (c !== a.radixPoint && c !== a.negationSymbol.front && c !== a.negationSymbol.back) - 1 < (s = _.inArray("?", u)) ? u[s] = c : s = n.caret || 0;
else if (c === a.radixPoint || c === a.negationSymbol.front || c === a.negationSymbol.back)
var p = _.inArray(c, u); - 1 !== p && (s = p)
a.numericInput && (s = u.length - s - 1, u = u.reverse());
var h = {
caret: void 0 !== c && void 0 === n.pos || void 0 === s ? s : s + (a.numericInput ? -1 : 1),
buffer: u,
refreshFromBuffer: n.dopost || e.join("") !== u.join("")
return h.refreshFromBuffer ? h : n
onBeforeWrite: function (e, t, n, a)
if (e) switch (e.type)
case "keydown":
return a.postValidation(t, n,
caret: n,
dopost: !0
}, a);
case "blur":
case "checkval":
var i;
if (void 0 === (r = a).parseMinMaxOptions && (null !== r.min && (r.min = r.min.toString().replace(new RegExp(g.escapeRegex(r.groupSeparator), "g"), ""), "," === r.radixPoint && (r.min = r.min.replace(r.radixPoint, ".")), r.min = isFinite(r.min) ? parseFloat(r.min) : NaN, isNaN(r.min) && (r.min = Number.MIN_VALUE)), null !== r.max && (r.max = r.max.toString().replace(new RegExp(g.escapeRegex(r.groupSeparator), "g"), ""), "," === r.radixPoint && (r.max = r.max.replace(r.radixPoint, ".")), r.max = isFinite(r.max) ? parseFloat(r.max) : NaN, isNaN(r.max) && (r.max = Number.MAX_VALUE)), r.parseMinMaxOptions = "done"), null !== a.min || null !== a.max)
if (i = a.onUnMask(t.join(""), void 0, _.extend(
{}, a,
unmaskAsNumber: !0
})), null !== a.min && i < a.min) return a.isNegative = a.min < 0, a.postValidation(a.min.toString().replace(".", a.radixPoint).split(""), n,
caret: n,
dopost: !0,
placeholder: "0"
}, a);
if (null !== a.max && i > a.max) return a.isNegative = a.max < 0, a.postValidation(a.max.toString().replace(".", a.radixPoint).split(""), n,
caret: n,
dopost: !0,
placeholder: "0"
}, a)
return a.postValidation(t, n,
caret: n,
placeholder: "0",
event: "blur"
}, a);
case "_checkval":
return {
caret: n
var r
integerPart: function (e, t)
return t ? new RegExp("[" + g.escapeRegex(e.negationSymbol.front) + "+]?") : new RegExp("[" + g.escapeRegex(e.negationSymbol.front) + "+]?\\d+")
integerNPart: function (e)
return new RegExp("[\\d" + g.escapeRegex(e.groupSeparator) + g.escapeRegex(e.placeholder.charAt(0)) + "]+")
validator: function (e, t, n, a, i, r)
var s;
if ("k" === e || "m" === e)
s = {
insert: [],
c: 0
for (var o = 0, c = "k" === e ? 2 : 5; o < c; o++) s.insert.push(
pos: n + o,
c: 0
return s.pos = n + c, s
if (!0 === (s = a ? new RegExp("[0-9" + g.escapeRegex(i.groupSeparator) + "]").test(e) : new RegExp("[0-9]").test(e)))
if (!0 !== i.numericInput && void 0 !== t.validPositions[n] && "~" === t.validPositions[n].match.def && !r)
var u = t.buffer.join(""),
l = (u = (u = u.replace(new RegExp("[-" + g.escapeRegex(i.negationSymbol.front) + "]", "g"), "")).replace(new RegExp(g.escapeRegex(i.negationSymbol.back) + "$"), "")).split(i.radixPoint);
1 < l.length && (l[1] = l[1].replace(/0/g, i.placeholder.charAt(0))), "0" === l[0] && (l[0] = l[0].replace(/0/g, i.placeholder.charAt(0))), u = l[0] + i.radixPoint + l[1] || "";
var d = t._buffer.join("");
for (u === i.radixPoint && (u = d); null === u.match(g.escapeRegex(d) + "$");) d = d.slice(1);
s = void 0 === (u = (u = u.replace(d, "")).split(""))[n] ?
pos: n,
remove: n
} :
pos: n
else a || e !== i.radixPoint || void 0 !== t.validPositions[n - 1] || (s = {
pos: n,
c: 0
pos: n + 1
return s
cardinality: 1
validator: function (e, t, n, a, i)
return i.allowMinus && ("-" === e || e === i.negationSymbol.front)
cardinality: 1,
placeholder: ""
validator: function (e, t, n, a, i)
return i.allowMinus && e === i.negationSymbol.back
cardinality: 1,
placeholder: ""
validator: function (e, t, n, a, i)
var r = "[" + g.escapeRegex(i.radixPoint) + "]",
s = new RegExp(r).test(e);
return s && t.validPositions[n] && t.validPositions[n].match.placeholder === i.radixPoint && (s = {
caret: n + 1
}), s
cardinality: 1,
placeholder: function (e)
return e.radixPoint
onUnMask: function (e, t, n)
if ("" === t && !0 === n.nullable) return t;
var a = e.replace(n.prefix, "");
return a = (a = a.replace(n.suffix, "")).replace(new RegExp(g.escapeRegex(n.groupSeparator), "g"), ""), "" !== n.placeholder.charAt(0) && (a = a.replace(new RegExp(n.placeholder.charAt(0), "g"), "0")), n.unmaskAsNumber ? ("" !== n.radixPoint && -1 !== a.indexOf(n.radixPoint) && (a = a.replace(g.escapeRegex.call(this, n.radixPoint), ".")), a = (a = a.replace(new RegExp("^" + g.escapeRegex(n.negationSymbol.front)), "-")).replace(new RegExp(g.escapeRegex(n.negationSymbol.back) + "$"), ""), Number(a)) : a
isComplete: function (e, t)
var n = (t.numericInput ? e.slice().reverse() : e).join("");
return n = (n = (n = (n = (n = n.replace(new RegExp("^" + g.escapeRegex(t.negationSymbol.front)), "-")).replace(new RegExp(g.escapeRegex(t.negationSymbol.back) + "$"), "")).replace(t.prefix, "")).replace(t.suffix, "")).replace(new RegExp(g.escapeRegex(t.groupSeparator) + "([0-9]{3})", "g"), "$1"), "," === t.radixPoint && (n = n.replace(g.escapeRegex(t.radixPoint), ".")), isFinite(n)
onBeforeMask: function (e, t)
t.isNegative = void 0;
var n = t.radixPoint || ",";
"number" != typeof e && "number" !== t.inputType || "" === n || (e = e.toString().replace(".", n));
var a = e.split(n),
i = a[0].replace(/[^\-0-9]/g, ""),
r = 1 < a.length ? a[1].replace(/[^0-9]/g, "") : "";
e = i + ("" !== r ? n + r : r);
var s = 0;
if ("" !== n && (s = r.length, "" !== r))
var o = Math.pow(10, s || 1);
isFinite(t.digits) && (s = parseInt(t.digits), o = Math.pow(10, s)), e = e.replace(g.escapeRegex(n), "."), isFinite(e) && (e = Math.round(parseFloat(e) * o) / o), e = e.toString().replace(".", n)
return 0 === t.digits && -1 !== e.indexOf(g.escapeRegex(n)) && (e = e.substring(0, e.indexOf(g.escapeRegex(n)))),
function (e, t, n)
if (0 < t)
var a = _.inArray(n.radixPoint, e); - 1 === a && (e.push(n.radixPoint), a = e.length - 1);
for (var i = 1; i <= t; i++) e[a + i] = e[a + i] || "0"
return e
}(e.toString().split(""), s, t).join("")
onKeyDown: function (e, t, n, a)
var i = _(this);
if (e.ctrlKey) switch (e.keyCode)
case g.keyCode.UP:
i.val(parseFloat(this.inputmask.unmaskedvalue()) + parseInt(a.step)), i.trigger("setvalue");
case g.keyCode.DOWN:
i.val(parseFloat(this.inputmask.unmaskedvalue()) - parseInt(a.step)), i.trigger("setvalue")
prefix: "$ ",
groupSeparator: ",",
alias: "numeric",
placeholder: "0",
autoGroup: !0,
digits: 2,
digitsOptional: !1,
clearMaskOnLostFocus: !1
alias: "numeric"
alias: "numeric",
digits: 0,
radixPoint: ""
alias: "numeric",
digits: 2,
digitsOptional: !0,
radixPoint: ".",
placeholder: "0",
autoGroup: !1,
min: 0,
max: 100,
suffix: " %",
allowMinus: !1
}), g
inputmask$1 = inputmask,
inputmask_phone_extensions = createCommonjsModule(function (e, t)
e.exports = function (t)
var s = t.dependencyLib;
function n(e, t)
var n = (e.mask || e).replace(/#/g, "0").replace(/\)/, "0").replace(/[+()#-]/g, ""),
a = (t.mask || t).replace(/#/g, "0").replace(/\)/, "0").replace(/[+()#-]/g, "");
return n.localeCompare(a)
var a = t.prototype.analyseMask;
return t.prototype.analyseMask = function (c, e, r)
var u = {};
return r.phoneCodes && (r.phoneCodes && 1e3 < r.phoneCodes.length && (function e(t, n, a)
a = a || u, "" !== (n = n || "") && (a[n] = {});
for (var i = "", r = a[n] || a, s = t.length - 1; 0 <= s; s--) r[i = (c = t[s].mask || t[s]).substr(0, 1)] = r[i] || [], r[i].unshift(c.substr(1)), t.splice(s, 1);
for (var o in r) 500 < r[o].length && e(r[o].slice(), o, r)
}((c = c.substr(1, c.length - 2)).split(r.groupmarker[1] + r.alternatormarker + r.groupmarker[0])), c = function e(t)
var n = "",
a = [];
for (var i in t) s.isArray(t[i]) ? 1 === t[i].length ? a.push(i + t[i]) : a.push(i + r.groupmarker[0] + t[i].join(r.groupmarker[1] + r.alternatormarker + r.groupmarker[0]) + r.groupmarker[1]) : a.push(i + e(t[i]));
return 1 === a.length ? n += a[0] : n += r.groupmarker[0] + a.join(r.groupmarker[1] + r.alternatormarker + r.groupmarker[0]) + r.groupmarker[1], n
}(u)), c = c.replace(/9/g, "\\9")), a.call(this, c, e, r)
}, t.extendAliases(
groupmarker: ["<", ">"],
countrycode: "",
phoneCodes: [],
keepStatic: "auto",
mask: function (e)
return e.definitions = {
"#": t.prototype.definitions[9]
}, e.phoneCodes.sort(n)
onBeforeMask: function (e, t)
var n = e.replace(/^0{1,2}/, "").replace(/[\s]/g, "");
return (1 < n.indexOf(t.countrycode) || -1 === n.indexOf(t.countrycode)) && (n = "+" + t.countrycode + n), n
onUnMask: function (e)
return e.replace(/[()#-]/g, "")
inputmode: "tel"
}), t
phone = createCommonjsModule(function (e, t)
e.exports = function (e)
return e.extendAliases(
alias: "abstractphone",
phoneCodes: [
mask: "+247-####",
cc: "AC",
cd: "Ascension",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Остров Вознесения",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+376-###-###",
cc: "AD",
cd: "Andorra",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Андорра",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+971-5#-###-####",
cc: "AE",
cd: "United Arab Emirates",
desc_en: "mobile",
name_ru: "Объединенные Арабские Эмираты",
desc_ru: "мобильные"
mask: "+971-#-###-####",
cc: "AE",
cd: "United Arab Emirates",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Объединенные Арабские Эмираты",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+93-##-###-####",
cc: "AF",
cd: "Afghanistan",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Афганистан",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+1(268)###-####",
cc: "AG",
cd: "Antigua & Barbuda",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Антигуа и Барбуда",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+1(264)###-####",
cc: "AI",
cd: "Anguilla",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Ангилья",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+355(###)###-###",
cc: "AL",
cd: "Albania",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Албания",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+374-##-###-###",
cc: "AM",
cd: "Armenia",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Армения",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+599-###-####",
cc: "AN",
cd: "Caribbean Netherlands",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Карибские Нидерланды",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+599-###-####",
cc: "AN",
cd: "Netherlands Antilles",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Нидерландские Антильские острова",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+599-9###-####",
cc: "AN",
cd: "Netherlands Antilles",
desc_en: "Curacao",
name_ru: "Нидерландские Антильские острова",
desc_ru: "Кюрасао"
mask: "+244(###)###-###",
cc: "AO",
cd: "Angola",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Ангола",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+672-1##-###",
cc: "AQ",
cd: "Australian bases in Antarctica",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Австралийская антарктическая база",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+54(###)###-####",
cc: "AR",
cd: "Argentina",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Аргентина",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+1(684)###-####",
cc: "AS",
cd: "American Samoa",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Американское Самоа",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+43(###)###-####",
cc: "AT",
cd: "Austria",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Австрия",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+61-#-####-####",
cc: "AU",
cd: "Australia",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Австралия",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+297-###-####",
cc: "AW",
cd: "Aruba",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Аруба",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+994-##-###-##-##",
cc: "AZ",
cd: "Azerbaijan",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Азербайджан",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+387-##-#####",
cc: "BA",
cd: "Bosnia and Herzegovina",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Босния и Герцеговина",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+387-##-####",
cc: "BA",
cd: "Bosnia and Herzegovina",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Босния и Герцеговина",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+1(246)###-####",
cc: "BB",
cd: "Barbados",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Барбадос",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+880-##-###-###",
cc: "BD",
cd: "Bangladesh",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Бангладеш",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+32(###)###-###",
cc: "BE",
cd: "Belgium",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Бельгия",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+226-##-##-####",
cc: "BF",
cd: "Burkina Faso",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Буркина Фасо",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+359(###)###-###",
cc: "BG",
cd: "Bulgaria",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Болгария",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+973-####-####",
cc: "BH",
cd: "Bahrain",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Бахрейн",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+257-##-##-####",
cc: "BI",
cd: "Burundi",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Бурунди",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+229-##-##-####",
cc: "BJ",
cd: "Benin",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Бенин",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+1(441)###-####",
cc: "BM",
cd: "Bermuda",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Бермудские острова",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+673-###-####",
cc: "BN",
cd: "Brunei Darussalam",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Бруней-Даруссалам",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+591-#-###-####",
cc: "BO",
cd: "Bolivia",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Боливия",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+55-##-####-####",
cc: "BR",
cd: "Brazil",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Бразилия",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+55-##-#####-####",
cc: "BR",
cd: "Brazil",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Бразилия",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+1(242)###-####",
cc: "BS",
cd: "Bahamas",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Багамские Острова",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+975-17-###-###",
cc: "BT",
cd: "Bhutan",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Бутан",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+975-#-###-###",
cc: "BT",
cd: "Bhutan",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Бутан",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+267-##-###-###",
cc: "BW",
cd: "Botswana",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Ботсвана",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+375(##)###-##-##",
cc: "BY",
cd: "Belarus",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Беларусь (Белоруссия)",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+501-###-####",
cc: "BZ",
cd: "Belize",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Белиз",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+243(###)###-###",
cc: "CD",
cd: "Dem. Rep. Congo",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Дем. Респ. Конго (Киншаса)",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+236-##-##-####",
cc: "CF",
cd: "Central African Republic",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Центральноафриканская Республика",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+242-##-###-####",
cc: "CG",
cd: "Congo (Brazzaville)",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Конго (Браззавиль)",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+41-##-###-####",
cc: "CH",
cd: "Switzerland",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Швейцария",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+225-##-###-###",
cc: "CI",
cd: "Cote d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast)",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Кот-д’Ивуар",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+682-##-###",
cc: "CK",
cd: "Cook Islands",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Острова Кука",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+56-#-####-####",
cc: "CL",
cd: "Chile",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Чили",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+237-####-####",
cc: "CM",
cd: "Cameroon",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Камерун",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+86(###)####-####",
cc: "CN",
cd: "China (PRC)",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Китайская Н.Р.",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+86(###)####-###",
cc: "CN",
cd: "China (PRC)",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Китайская Н.Р.",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+86-##-#####-#####",
cc: "CN",
cd: "China (PRC)",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Китайская Н.Р.",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+57(###)###-####",
cc: "CO",
cd: "Colombia",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Колумбия",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+506-####-####",
cc: "CR",
cd: "Costa Rica",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Коста-Рика",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+53-#-###-####",
cc: "CU",
cd: "Cuba",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Куба",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+238(###)##-##",
cc: "CV",
cd: "Cape Verde",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Кабо-Верде",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+599-###-####",
cc: "CW",
cd: "Curacao",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Кюрасао",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+357-##-###-###",
cc: "CY",
cd: "Cyprus",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Кипр",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+420(###)###-###",
cc: "CZ",
cd: "Czech Republic",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Чехия",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+49(####)###-####",
cc: "DE",
cd: "Germany",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Германия",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+49(###)###-####",
cc: "DE",
cd: "Germany",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Германия",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+49(###)##-####",
cc: "DE",
cd: "Germany",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Германия",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+49(###)##-###",
cc: "DE",
cd: "Germany",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Германия",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+49(###)##-##",
cc: "DE",
cd: "Germany",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Германия",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+49-###-###",
cc: "DE",
cd: "Germany",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Германия",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+253-##-##-##-##",
cc: "DJ",
cd: "Djibouti",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Джибути",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+45-##-##-##-##",
cc: "DK",
cd: "Denmark",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Дания",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+1(767)###-####",
cc: "DM",
cd: "Dominica",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Доминика",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+1(809)###-####",
cc: "DO",
cd: "Dominican Republic",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Доминиканская Республика",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+1(829)###-####",
cc: "DO",
cd: "Dominican Republic",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Доминиканская Республика",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+1(849)###-####",
cc: "DO",
cd: "Dominican Republic",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Доминиканская Республика",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+213-##-###-####",
cc: "DZ",
cd: "Algeria",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Алжир",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+593-##-###-####",
cc: "EC",
cd: "Ecuador ",
desc_en: "mobile",
name_ru: "Эквадор ",
desc_ru: "мобильные"
mask: "+593-#-###-####",
cc: "EC",
cd: "Ecuador",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Эквадор",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+372-####-####",
cc: "EE",
cd: "Estonia ",
desc_en: "mobile",
name_ru: "Эстония ",
desc_ru: "мобильные"
mask: "+372-###-####",
cc: "EE",
cd: "Estonia",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Эстония",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+20(###)###-####",
cc: "EG",
cd: "Egypt",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Египет",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+291-#-###-###",
cc: "ER",
cd: "Eritrea",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Эритрея",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+34(###)###-###",
cc: "ES",
cd: "Spain",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Испания",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+251-##-###-####",
cc: "ET",
cd: "Ethiopia",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Эфиопия",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+358(###)###-##-##",
cc: "FI",
cd: "Finland",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Финляндия",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+679-##-#####",
cc: "FJ",
cd: "Fiji",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Фиджи",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+500-#####",
cc: "FK",
cd: "Falkland Islands",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Фолклендские острова",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+691-###-####",
cc: "FM",
cd: "F.S. Micronesia",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Ф.Ш. Микронезии",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+298-###-###",
cc: "FO",
cd: "Faroe Islands",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Фарерские острова",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+262-#####-####",
cc: "FR",
cd: "Mayotte",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Майотта",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+33-#-##-##-##-##",
cc: "FR",
cd: "France",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Франция",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+508-##-####",
cc: "FR",
cd: "St Pierre & Miquelon",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Сен-Пьер и Микелон",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+590(###)###-###",
cc: "FR",
cd: "Guadeloupe",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Гваделупа",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+241-#-##-##-##",
cc: "GA",
cd: "Gabon",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Габон",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+1(473)###-####",
cc: "GD",
cd: "Grenada",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Гренада",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+995(###)###-###",
cc: "GE",
cd: "Rep. of Georgia",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Грузия",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+594-#####-####",
cc: "GF",
cd: "Guiana (French)",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Фр. Гвиана",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+233(###)###-###",
cc: "GH",
cd: "Ghana",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Гана",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+350-###-#####",
cc: "GI",
cd: "Gibraltar",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Гибралтар",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+299-##-##-##",
cc: "GL",
cd: "Greenland",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Гренландия",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+220(###)##-##",
cc: "GM",
cd: "Gambia",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Гамбия",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+224-##-###-###",
cc: "GN",
cd: "Guinea",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Гвинея",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+240-##-###-####",
cc: "GQ",
cd: "Equatorial Guinea",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Экваториальная Гвинея",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+30(###)###-####",
cc: "GR",
cd: "Greece",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Греция",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+502-#-###-####",
cc: "GT",
cd: "Guatemala",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Гватемала",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+1(671)###-####",
cc: "GU",
cd: "Guam",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Гуам",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+245-#-######",
cc: "GW",
cd: "Guinea-Bissau",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Гвинея-Бисау",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+592-###-####",
cc: "GY",
cd: "Guyana",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Гайана",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+852-####-####",
cc: "HK",
cd: "Hong Kong",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Гонконг",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+504-####-####",
cc: "HN",
cd: "Honduras",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Гондурас",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+385-(##)-###-###",
cc: "HR",
cd: "Croatia",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Хорватия",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+385-(##)-###-####",
cc: "HR",
cd: "Croatia",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Хорватия",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+385-1-####-###",
cc: "HR",
cd: "Croatia",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Хорватия",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+509-##-##-####",
cc: "HT",
cd: "Haiti",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Гаити",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+36(###)###-###",
cc: "HU",
cd: "Hungary",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Венгрия",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+62(8##)###-####",
cc: "ID",
cd: "Indonesia ",
desc_en: "mobile",
name_ru: "Индонезия ",
desc_ru: "мобильные"
mask: "+62-##-###-##",
cc: "ID",
cd: "Indonesia",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Индонезия",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+62-##-###-###",
cc: "ID",
cd: "Indonesia",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Индонезия",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+62-##-###-####",
cc: "ID",
cd: "Indonesia",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Индонезия",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+62(8##)###-###",
cc: "ID",
cd: "Indonesia ",
desc_en: "mobile",
name_ru: "Индонезия ",
desc_ru: "мобильные"
mask: "+62(8##)###-##-###",
cc: "ID",
cd: "Indonesia ",
desc_en: "mobile",
name_ru: "Индонезия ",
desc_ru: "мобильные"
mask: "+353(###)###-###",
cc: "IE",
cd: "Ireland",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Ирландия",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+972-5#-###-####",
cc: "IL",
cd: "Israel ",
desc_en: "mobile",
name_ru: "Израиль ",
desc_ru: "мобильные"
mask: "+972-#-###-####",
cc: "IL",
cd: "Israel",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Израиль",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+91(####)###-###",
cc: "IN",
cd: "India",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Индия",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+246-###-####",
cc: "IO",
cd: "Diego Garcia",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Диего-Гарсия",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+964(###)###-####",
cc: "IQ",
cd: "Iraq",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Ирак",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+98(###)###-####",
cc: "IR",
cd: "Iran",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Иран",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+354-###-####",
cc: "IS",
cd: "Iceland",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Исландия",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+39-###-###-##-##",
cc: "IT",
cd: "Italy",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Италия",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+1(876)###-####",
cc: "JM",
cd: "Jamaica",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Ямайка",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+962-#-####-####",
cc: "JO",
cd: "Jordan",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Иордания",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+81-##-####-####",
cc: "JP",
cd: "Japan ",
desc_en: "mobile",
name_ru: "Япония ",
desc_ru: "мобильные"
mask: "+81(###)###-###",
cc: "JP",
cd: "Japan",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Япония",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+254-###-######",
cc: "KE",
cd: "Kenya",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Кения",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+996(###)###-###",
cc: "KG",
cd: "Kyrgyzstan",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Киргизия",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+855-##-###-###",
cc: "KH",
cd: "Cambodia",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Камбоджа",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+686-##-###",
cc: "KI",
cd: "Kiribati",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Кирибати",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+269-##-#####",
cc: "KM",
cd: "Comoros",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Коморы",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+1(869)###-####",
cc: "KN",
cd: "Saint Kitts & Nevis",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Сент-Китс и Невис",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+850-191-###-####",
cc: "KP",
cd: "DPR Korea (North) ",
desc_en: "mobile",
name_ru: "Корейская НДР ",
desc_ru: "мобильные"
mask: "+850-##-###-###",
cc: "KP",
cd: "DPR Korea (North)",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Корейская НДР",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+850-###-####-###",
cc: "KP",
cd: "DPR Korea (North)",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Корейская НДР",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+850-###-###",
cc: "KP",
cd: "DPR Korea (North)",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Корейская НДР",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+850-####-####",
cc: "KP",
cd: "DPR Korea (North)",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Корейская НДР",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+850-####-#############",
cc: "KP",
cd: "DPR Korea (North)",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Корейская НДР",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+82-##-###-####",
cc: "KR",
cd: "Korea (South)",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Респ. Корея",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+965-####-####",
cc: "KW",
cd: "Kuwait",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Кувейт",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+1(345)###-####",
cc: "KY",
cd: "Cayman Islands",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Каймановы острова",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+7(6##)###-##-##",
cc: "KZ",
cd: "Kazakhstan",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Казахстан",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+7(7##)###-##-##",
cc: "KZ",
cd: "Kazakhstan",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Казахстан",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+856(20##)###-###",
cc: "LA",
cd: "Laos ",
desc_en: "mobile",
name_ru: "Лаос ",
desc_ru: "мобильные"
mask: "+856-##-###-###",
cc: "LA",
cd: "Laos",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Лаос",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+961-##-###-###",
cc: "LB",
cd: "Lebanon ",
desc_en: "mobile",
name_ru: "Ливан ",
desc_ru: "мобильные"
mask: "+961-#-###-###",
cc: "LB",
cd: "Lebanon",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Ливан",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+1(758)###-####",
cc: "LC",
cd: "Saint Lucia",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Сент-Люсия",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+423(###)###-####",
cc: "LI",
cd: "Liechtenstein",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Лихтенштейн",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+94-##-###-####",
cc: "LK",
cd: "Sri Lanka",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Шри-Ланка",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+231-##-###-###",
cc: "LR",
cd: "Liberia",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Либерия",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+266-#-###-####",
cc: "LS",
cd: "Lesotho",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Лесото",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+370(###)##-###",
cc: "LT",
cd: "Lithuania",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Литва",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+352-###-###",
cc: "LU",
cd: "Luxembourg",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Люксембург",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+352-####-###",
cc: "LU",
cd: "Luxembourg",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Люксембург",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+352-#####-###",
cc: "LU",
cd: "Luxembourg",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Люксембург",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+352-######-###",
cc: "LU",
cd: "Luxembourg",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Люксембург",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+371-##-###-###",
cc: "LV",
cd: "Latvia",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Латвия",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+218-##-###-###",
cc: "LY",
cd: "Libya",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Ливия",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+218-21-###-####",
cc: "LY",
cd: "Libya",
desc_en: "Tripoli",
name_ru: "Ливия",
desc_ru: "Триполи"
mask: "+212-##-####-###",
cc: "MA",
cd: "Morocco",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Марокко",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+377(###)###-###",
cc: "MC",
cd: "Monaco",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Монако",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+377-##-###-###",
cc: "MC",
cd: "Monaco",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Монако",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+373-####-####",
cc: "MD",
cd: "Moldova",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Молдова",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+382-##-###-###",
cc: "ME",
cd: "Montenegro",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Черногория",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+261-##-##-#####",
cc: "MG",
cd: "Madagascar",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Мадагаскар",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+692-###-####",
cc: "MH",
cd: "Marshall Islands",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Маршалловы Острова",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+389-##-###-###",
cc: "MK",
cd: "Republic of Macedonia",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Респ. Македония",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+223-##-##-####",
cc: "ML",
cd: "Mali",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Мали",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+95-##-###-###",
cc: "MM",
cd: "Burma (Myanmar)",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Бирма (Мьянма)",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+95-#-###-###",
cc: "MM",
cd: "Burma (Myanmar)",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Бирма (Мьянма)",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+95-###-###",
cc: "MM",
cd: "Burma (Myanmar)",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Бирма (Мьянма)",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+976-##-##-####",
cc: "MN",
cd: "Mongolia",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Монголия",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+853-####-####",
cc: "MO",
cd: "Macau",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Макао",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+1(670)###-####",
cc: "MP",
cd: "Northern Mariana Islands",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Северные Марианские острова Сайпан",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+596(###)##-##-##",
cc: "MQ",
cd: "Martinique",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Мартиника",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+222-##-##-####",
cc: "MR",
cd: "Mauritania",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Мавритания",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+1(664)###-####",
cc: "MS",
cd: "Montserrat",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Монтсеррат",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+356-####-####",
cc: "MT",
cd: "Malta",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Мальта",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+230-###-####",
cc: "MU",
cd: "Mauritius",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Маврикий",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+960-###-####",
cc: "MV",
cd: "Maldives",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Мальдивские острова",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+265-1-###-###",
cc: "MW",
cd: "Malawi",
desc_en: "Telecom Ltd",
name_ru: "Малави",
desc_ru: "Telecom Ltd"
mask: "+265-#-####-####",
cc: "MW",
cd: "Malawi",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Малави",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+52(###)###-####",
cc: "MX",
cd: "Mexico",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Мексика",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+52-##-##-####",
cc: "MX",
cd: "Mexico",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Мексика",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+60-##-###-####",
cc: "MY",
cd: "Malaysia ",
desc_en: "mobile",
name_ru: "Малайзия ",
desc_ru: "мобильные"
mask: "+60-11-####-####",
cc: "MY",
cd: "Malaysia ",
desc_en: "mobile",
name_ru: "Малайзия ",
desc_ru: "мобильные"
mask: "+60(###)###-###",
cc: "MY",
cd: "Malaysia",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Малайзия",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+60-##-###-###",
cc: "MY",
cd: "Malaysia",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Малайзия",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+60-#-###-###",
cc: "MY",
cd: "Malaysia",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Малайзия",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+258-##-###-###",
cc: "MZ",
cd: "Mozambique",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Мозамбик",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+264-##-###-####",
cc: "NA",
cd: "Namibia",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Намибия",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+687-##-####",
cc: "NC",
cd: "New Caledonia",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Новая Каледония",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+227-##-##-####",
cc: "NE",
cd: "Niger",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Нигер",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+672-3##-###",
cc: "NF",
cd: "Norfolk Island",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Норфолк (остров)",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+234(###)###-####",
cc: "NG",
cd: "Nigeria",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Нигерия",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+234-##-###-###",
cc: "NG",
cd: "Nigeria",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Нигерия",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+234-##-###-##",
cc: "NG",
cd: "Nigeria",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Нигерия",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+234(###)###-####",
cc: "NG",
cd: "Nigeria ",
desc_en: "mobile",
name_ru: "Нигерия ",
desc_ru: "мобильные"
mask: "+505-####-####",
cc: "NI",
cd: "Nicaragua",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Никарагуа",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+31-##-###-####",
cc: "NL",
cd: "Netherlands",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Нидерланды",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+47(###)##-###",
cc: "NO",
cd: "Norway",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Норвегия",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+977-##-###-###",
cc: "NP",
cd: "Nepal",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Непал",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+674-###-####",
cc: "NR",
cd: "Nauru",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Науру",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+683-####",
cc: "NU",
cd: "Niue",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Ниуэ",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+64(###)###-###",
cc: "NZ",
cd: "New Zealand",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Новая Зеландия",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+64-##-###-###",
cc: "NZ",
cd: "New Zealand",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Новая Зеландия",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+64(###)###-####",
cc: "NZ",
cd: "New Zealand",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Новая Зеландия",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+968-##-###-###",
cc: "OM",
cd: "Oman",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Оман",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+507-###-####",
cc: "PA",
cd: "Panama",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Панама",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+51(###)###-###",
cc: "PE",
cd: "Peru",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Перу",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+689-##-##-##",
cc: "PF",
cd: "French Polynesia",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Французская Полинезия (Таити)",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+675(###)##-###",
cc: "PG",
cd: "Papua New Guinea",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Папуа-Новая Гвинея",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+63(###)###-####",
cc: "PH",
cd: "Philippines",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Филиппины",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+92(###)###-####",
cc: "PK",
cd: "Pakistan",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Пакистан",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+48(###)###-###",
cc: "PL",
cd: "Poland",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Польша",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+970-##-###-####",
cc: "PS",
cd: "Palestine",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Палестина",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+351-##-###-####",
cc: "PT",
cd: "Portugal",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Португалия",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+680-###-####",
cc: "PW",
cd: "Palau",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Палау",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+595(###)###-###",
cc: "PY",
cd: "Paraguay",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Парагвай",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+974-####-####",
cc: "QA",
cd: "Qatar",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Катар",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+262-#####-####",
cc: "RE",
cd: "Reunion",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Реюньон",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+40-##-###-####",
cc: "RO",
cd: "Romania",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Румыния",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+381-##-###-####",
cc: "RS",
cd: "Serbia",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Сербия",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+7(###)###-##-##",
cc: "RU",
cd: "Russia",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Россия",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+250(###)###-###",
cc: "RW",
cd: "Rwanda",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Руанда",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+966-5-####-####",
cc: "SA",
cd: "Saudi Arabia ",
desc_en: "mobile",
name_ru: "Саудовская Аравия ",
desc_ru: "мобильные"
mask: "+966-#-###-####",
cc: "SA",
cd: "Saudi Arabia",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Саудовская Аравия",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+677-###-####",
cc: "SB",
cd: "Solomon Islands ",
desc_en: "mobile",
name_ru: "Соломоновы Острова ",
desc_ru: "мобильные"
mask: "+677-#####",
cc: "SB",
cd: "Solomon Islands",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Соломоновы Острова",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+248-#-###-###",
cc: "SC",
cd: "Seychelles",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Сейшелы",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+249-##-###-####",
cc: "SD",
cd: "Sudan",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Судан",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+46-##-###-####",
cc: "SE",
cd: "Sweden",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Швеция",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+65-####-####",
cc: "SG",
cd: "Singapore",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Сингапур",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+290-####",
cc: "SH",
cd: "Saint Helena",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Остров Святой Елены",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+290-####",
cc: "SH",
cd: "Tristan da Cunha",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Тристан-да-Кунья",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+386-##-###-###",
cc: "SI",
cd: "Slovenia",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Словения",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+421(###)###-###",
cc: "SK",
cd: "Slovakia",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Словакия",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+232-##-######",
cc: "SL",
cd: "Sierra Leone",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Сьерра-Леоне",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+378-####-######",
cc: "SM",
cd: "San Marino",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Сан-Марино",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+221-##-###-####",
cc: "SN",
cd: "Senegal",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Сенегал",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+252-##-###-###",
cc: "SO",
cd: "Somalia",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Сомали",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+252-#-###-###",
cc: "SO",
cd: "Somalia",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Сомали",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+252-#-###-###",
cc: "SO",
cd: "Somalia ",
desc_en: "mobile",
name_ru: "Сомали ",
desc_ru: "мобильные"
mask: "+597-###-####",
cc: "SR",
cd: "Suriname ",
desc_en: "mobile",
name_ru: "Суринам ",
desc_ru: "мобильные"
mask: "+597-###-###",
cc: "SR",
cd: "Suriname",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Суринам",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+211-##-###-####",
cc: "SS",
cd: "South Sudan",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Южный Судан",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+239-##-#####",
cc: "ST",
cd: "Sao Tome and Principe",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Сан-Томе и Принсипи",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+503-##-##-####",
cc: "SV",
cd: "El Salvador",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Сальвадор",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+1(721)###-####",
cc: "SX",
cd: "Sint Maarten",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Синт-Маартен",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+963-##-####-###",
cc: "SY",
cd: "Syrian Arab Republic",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Сирийская арабская республика",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+268-##-##-####",
cc: "SZ",
cd: "Swaziland",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Свазиленд",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+1(649)###-####",
cc: "TC",
cd: "Turks & Caicos",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Тёркс и Кайкос",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+235-##-##-##-##",
cc: "TD",
cd: "Chad",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Чад",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+228-##-###-###",
cc: "TG",
cd: "Togo",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Того",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+66-##-###-####",
cc: "TH",
cd: "Thailand ",
desc_en: "mobile",
name_ru: "Таиланд ",
desc_ru: "мобильные"
mask: "+66-##-###-###",
cc: "TH",
cd: "Thailand",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Таиланд",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+992-##-###-####",
cc: "TJ",
cd: "Tajikistan",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Таджикистан",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+690-####",
cc: "TK",
cd: "Tokelau",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Токелау",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+670-###-####",
cc: "TL",
cd: "East Timor",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Восточный Тимор",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+670-77#-#####",
cc: "TL",
cd: "East Timor",
desc_en: "Timor Telecom",
name_ru: "Восточный Тимор",
desc_ru: "Timor Telecom"
mask: "+670-78#-#####",
cc: "TL",
cd: "East Timor",
desc_en: "Timor Telecom",
name_ru: "Восточный Тимор",
desc_ru: "Timor Telecom"
mask: "+993-#-###-####",
cc: "TM",
cd: "Turkmenistan",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Туркменистан",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+216-##-###-###",
cc: "TN",
cd: "Tunisia",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Тунис",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+676-#####",
cc: "TO",
cd: "Tonga",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Тонга",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+90(###)###-####",
cc: "TR",
cd: "Turkey",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Турция",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+1(868)###-####",
cc: "TT",
cd: "Trinidad & Tobago",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Тринидад и Тобаго",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+688-90####",
cc: "TV",
cd: "Tuvalu ",
desc_en: "mobile",
name_ru: "Тувалу ",
desc_ru: "мобильные"
mask: "+688-2####",
cc: "TV",
cd: "Tuvalu",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Тувалу",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+886-#-####-####",
cc: "TW",
cd: "Taiwan",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Тайвань",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+886-####-####",
cc: "TW",
cd: "Taiwan",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Тайвань",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+255-##-###-####",
cc: "TZ",
cd: "Tanzania",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Танзания",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+380(##)###-##-##",
cc: "UA",
cd: "Ukraine",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Украина",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+256(###)###-###",
cc: "UG",
cd: "Uganda",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Уганда",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+44-##-####-####",
cc: "UK",
cd: "United Kingdom",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Великобритания",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+598-#-###-##-##",
cc: "UY",
cd: "Uruguay",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Уругвай",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+998-##-###-####",
cc: "UZ",
cd: "Uzbekistan",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Узбекистан",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+39-#-###-#####",
cc: "VA",
cd: "Vatican City",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Ватикан",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+1(784)###-####",
cc: "VC",
cd: "Saint Vincent & the Grenadines",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Сент-Винсент и Гренадины",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+58(###)###-####",
cc: "VE",
cd: "Venezuela",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Венесуэла",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+1(284)###-####",
cc: "VG",
cd: "British Virgin Islands",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Британские Виргинские острова",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+1(340)###-####",
cc: "VI",
cd: "US Virgin Islands",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Американские Виргинские острова",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+84-##-####-###",
cc: "VN",
cd: "Vietnam",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Вьетнам",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+84(###)####-###",
cc: "VN",
cd: "Vietnam",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Вьетнам",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+678-##-#####",
cc: "VU",
cd: "Vanuatu ",
desc_en: "mobile",
name_ru: "Вануату ",
desc_ru: "мобильные"
mask: "+678-#####",
cc: "VU",
cd: "Vanuatu",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Вануату",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+681-##-####",
cc: "WF",
cd: "Wallis and Futuna",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Уоллис и Футуна",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+685-##-####",
cc: "WS",
cd: "Samoa",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Самоа",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+967-###-###-###",
cc: "YE",
cd: "Yemen ",
desc_en: "mobile",
name_ru: "Йемен ",
desc_ru: "мобильные"
mask: "+967-#-###-###",
cc: "YE",
cd: "Yemen",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Йемен",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+967-##-###-###",
cc: "YE",
cd: "Yemen",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Йемен",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+27-##-###-####",
cc: "ZA",
cd: "South Africa",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Южно-Африканская Респ.",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+260-##-###-####",
cc: "ZM",
cd: "Zambia",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Замбия",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+263-#-######",
cc: "ZW",
cd: "Zimbabwe",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "Зимбабве",
desc_ru: ""
mask: "+1(###)###-####",
cc: ["US", "CA"],
cd: "USA and Canada",
desc_en: "",
name_ru: "США и Канада",
desc_ru: ""
}), e
intlTelInput = createCommonjsModule(function (e)
var t;
t = function (p, h, f)
return function ()
var d = [
["Afghanistan (افغانستان)", "af", "93"],
["Albania (Shqipëri)", "al", "355"],
["Algeria (الجزائر)", "dz", "213"],
["American Samoa", "as", "1", 5, ["684"]],
["Andorra", "ad", "376"],
["Angola", "ao", "244"],
["Anguilla", "ai", "1", 6, ["264"]],
["Antigua and Barbuda", "ag", "1", 7, ["268"]],
["Argentina", "ar", "54"],
["Armenia (Հայաստան)", "am", "374"],
["Aruba", "aw", "297"],
["Australia", "au", "61", 0],
["Austria (Österreich)", "at", "43"],
["Azerbaijan (Azərbaycan)", "az", "994"],
["Bahamas", "bs", "1", 8, ["242"]],
["Bahrain (البحرين)", "bh", "973"],
["Bangladesh (বাংলাদেশ)", "bd", "880"],
["Barbados", "bb", "1", 9, ["246"]],
["Belarus (Беларусь)", "by", "375"],
["Belgium (België)", "be", "32"],
["Belize", "bz", "501"],
["Benin (Bénin)", "bj", "229"],
["Bermuda", "bm", "1", 10, ["441"]],
["Bhutan (འབྲུག)", "bt", "975"],
["Bolivia", "bo", "591"],
["Bosnia and Herzegovina (Босна и Херцеговина)", "ba", "387"],
["Botswana", "bw", "267"],
["Brazil (Brasil)", "br", "55"],
["British Indian Ocean Territory", "io", "246"],
["British Virgin Islands", "vg", "1", 11, ["284"]],
["Brunei", "bn", "673"],
["Bulgaria (България)", "bg", "359"],
["Burkina Faso", "bf", "226"],
["Burundi (Uburundi)", "bi", "257"],
["Cambodia (កម្ពុជា)", "kh", "855"],
["Cameroon (Cameroun)", "cm", "237"],
["Canada", "ca", "1", 1, ["204", "226", "236", "249", "250", "289", "306", "343", "365", "387", "403", "416", "418", "431", "437", "438", "450", "506", "514", "519", "548", "579", "581", "587", "604", "613", "639", "647", "672", "705", "709", "742", "778", "780", "782", "807", "819", "825", "867", "873", "902", "905"]],
["Cape Verde (Kabu Verdi)", "cv", "238"],
["Caribbean Netherlands", "bq", "599", 1, ["3", "4", "7"]],
["Cayman Islands", "ky", "1", 12, ["345"]],
["Central African Republic (République centrafricaine)", "cf", "236"],
["Chad (Tchad)", "td", "235"],
["Chile", "cl", "56"],
["China (中国)", "cn", "86"],
["Christmas Island", "cx", "61", 2],
["Cocos (Keeling) Islands", "cc", "61", 1],
["Colombia", "co", "57"],
["Comoros (جزر القمر)", "km", "269"],
["Congo (DRC) (Jamhuri ya Kidemokrasia ya Kongo)", "cd", "243"],
["Congo (Republic) (Congo-Brazzaville)", "cg", "242"],
["Cook Islands", "ck", "682"],
["Costa Rica", "cr", "506"],
["Côte d’Ivoire", "ci", "225"],
["Croatia (Hrvatska)", "hr", "385"],
["Cuba", "cu", "53"],
["Curaçao", "cw", "599", 0],
["Cyprus (Κύπρος)", "cy", "357"],
["Czech Republic (Česká republika)", "cz", "420"],
["Denmark (Danmark)", "dk", "45"],
["Djibouti", "dj", "253"],
["Dominica", "dm", "1", 13, ["767"]],
["Dominican Republic (República Dominicana)", "do", "1", 2, ["809", "829", "849"]],
["Ecuador", "ec", "593"],
["Egypt (مصر)", "eg", "20"],
["El Salvador", "sv", "503"],
["Equatorial Guinea (Guinea Ecuatorial)", "gq", "240"],
["Eritrea", "er", "291"],
["Estonia (Eesti)", "ee", "372"],
["Ethiopia", "et", "251"],
["Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas)", "fk", "500"],
["Faroe Islands (Føroyar)", "fo", "298"],
["Fiji", "fj", "679"],
["Finland (Suomi)", "fi", "358", 0],
["France", "fr", "33"],
["French Guiana (Guyane française)", "gf", "594"],
["French Polynesia (Polynésie française)", "pf", "689"],
["Gabon", "ga", "241"],
["Gambia", "gm", "220"],
["Georgia (საქართველო)", "ge", "995"],
["Germany (Deutschland)", "de", "49"],
["Ghana (Gaana)", "gh", "233"],
["Gibraltar", "gi", "350"],
["Greece (Ελλάδα)", "gr", "30"],
["Greenland (Kalaallit Nunaat)", "gl", "299"],
["Grenada", "gd", "1", 14, ["473"]],
["Guadeloupe", "gp", "590", 0],
["Guam", "gu", "1", 15, ["671"]],
["Guatemala", "gt", "502"],
["Guernsey", "gg", "44", 1, ["1481", "7781", "7839", "7911"]],
["Guinea (Guinée)", "gn", "224"],
["Guinea-Bissau (Guiné Bissau)", "gw", "245"],
["Guyana", "gy", "592"],
["Haiti", "ht", "509"],
["Honduras", "hn", "504"],
["Hong Kong (香港)", "hk", "852"],
["Hungary (Magyarország)", "hu", "36"],
["Iceland (Ísland)", "is", "354"],
["India (भारत)", "in", "91"],
["Indonesia", "id", "62"],
["Iran (ایران)", "ir", "98"],
["Iraq (العراق)", "iq", "964"],
["Ireland", "ie", "353"],
["Isle of Man", "im", "44", 2, ["1624", "74576", "7524", "7924", "7624"]],
["Israel (ישראל)", "il", "972"],
["Italy (Italia)", "it", "39", 0],
["Jamaica", "jm", "1", 4, ["876", "658"]],
["Japan (日本)", "jp", "81"],
["Jersey", "je", "44", 3, ["1534", "7509", "7700", "7797", "7829", "7937"]],
["Jordan (الأردن)", "jo", "962"],
["Kazakhstan (Казахстан)", "kz", "7", 1, ["33", "7"]],
["Kenya", "ke", "254"],
["Kiribati", "ki", "686"],
["Kosovo", "xk", "383"],
["Kuwait (الكويت)", "kw", "965"],
["Kyrgyzstan (Кыргызстан)", "kg", "996"],
["Laos (ລາວ)", "la", "856"],
["Latvia (Latvija)", "lv", "371"],
["Lebanon (لبنان)", "lb", "961"],
["Lesotho", "ls", "266"],
["Liberia", "lr", "231"],
["Libya (ليبيا)", "ly", "218"],
["Liechtenstein", "li", "423"],
["Lithuania (Lietuva)", "lt", "370"],
["Luxembourg", "lu", "352"],
["Macau (澳門)", "mo", "853"],
["Macedonia (FYROM) (Македонија)", "mk", "389"],
["Madagascar (Madagasikara)", "mg", "261"],
["Malawi", "mw", "265"],
["Malaysia", "my", "60"],
["Maldives", "mv", "960"],
["Mali", "ml", "223"],
["Malta", "mt", "356"],
["Marshall Islands", "mh", "692"],
["Martinique", "mq", "596"],
["Mauritania (موريتانيا)", "mr", "222"],
["Mauritius (Moris)", "mu", "230"],
["Mayotte", "yt", "262", 1, ["269", "639"]],
["Mexico (México)", "mx", "52"],
["Micronesia", "fm", "691"],
["Moldova (Republica Moldova)", "md", "373"],
["Monaco", "mc", "377"],
["Mongolia (Монгол)", "mn", "976"],
["Montenegro (Crna Gora)", "me", "382"],
["Montserrat", "ms", "1", 16, ["664"]],
["Morocco (المغرب)", "ma", "212", 0],
["Mozambique (Moçambique)", "mz", "258"],
["Myanmar (Burma) (မြန်မာ)", "mm", "95"],
["Namibia (Namibië)", "na", "264"],
["Nauru", "nr", "674"],
["Nepal (नेपाल)", "np", "977"],
["Netherlands (Nederland)", "nl", "31"],
["New Caledonia (Nouvelle-Calédonie)", "nc", "687"],
["New Zealand", "nz", "64"],
["Nicaragua", "ni", "505"],
["Niger (Nijar)", "ne", "227"],
["Nigeria", "ng", "234"],
["Niue", "nu", "683"],
["Norfolk Island", "nf", "672"],
["North Korea (조선 민주주의 인민 공화국)", "kp", "850"],
["Northern Mariana Islands", "mp", "1", 17, ["670"]],
["Norway (Norge)", "no", "47", 0],
["Oman (عُمان)", "om", "968"],
["Pakistan (پاکستان)", "pk", "92"],
["Palau", "pw", "680"],
["Palestine (فلسطين)", "ps", "970"],
["Panama (Panamá)", "pa", "507"],
["Papua New Guinea", "pg", "675"],
["Paraguay", "py", "595"],
["Peru (Perú)", "pe", "51"],
["Philippines", "ph", "63"],
["Poland (Polska)", "pl", "48"],
["Portugal", "pt", "351"],
["Puerto Rico", "pr", "1", 3, ["787", "939"]],
["Qatar (قطر)", "qa", "974"],
["Réunion (La Réunion)", "re", "262", 0],
["Romania (România)", "ro", "40"],
["Russia (Россия)", "ru", "7", 0],
["Rwanda", "rw", "250"],
["Saint Barthélemy", "bl", "590", 1],
["Saint Helena", "sh", "290"],
["Saint Kitts and Nevis", "kn", "1", 18, ["869"]],
["Saint Lucia", "lc", "1", 19, ["758"]],
["Saint Martin (Saint-Martin (partie française))", "mf", "590", 2],
["Saint Pierre and Miquelon (Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon)", "pm", "508"],
["Saint Vincent and the Grenadines", "vc", "1", 20, ["784"]],
["Samoa", "ws", "685"],
["San Marino", "sm", "378"],
["São Tomé and Príncipe (São Tomé e Príncipe)", "st", "239"],
["Saudi Arabia (المملكة العربية السعودية)", "sa", "966"],
["Senegal (Sénégal)", "sn", "221"],
["Serbia (Србија)", "rs", "381"],
["Seychelles", "sc", "248"],
["Sierra Leone", "sl", "232"],
["Singapore", "sg", "65"],
["Sint Maarten", "sx", "1", 21, ["721"]],
["Slovakia (Slovensko)", "sk", "421"],
["Slovenia (Slovenija)", "si", "386"],
["Solomon Islands", "sb", "677"],
["Somalia (Soomaaliya)", "so", "252"],
["South Africa", "za", "27"],
["South Korea (대한민국)", "kr", "82"],
["South Sudan (جنوب السودان)", "ss", "211"],
["Spain (España)", "es", "34"],
["Sri Lanka (ශ්රී ලංකාව)", "lk", "94"],
["Sudan (السودان)", "sd", "249"],
["Suriname", "sr", "597"],
["Svalbard and Jan Mayen", "sj", "47", 1, ["79"]],
["Swaziland", "sz", "268"],
["Sweden (Sverige)", "se", "46"],
["Switzerland (Schweiz)", "ch", "41"],
["Syria (سوريا)", "sy", "963"],
["Taiwan (台灣)", "tw", "886"],
["Tajikistan", "tj", "992"],
["Tanzania", "tz", "255"],
["Thailand (ไทย)", "th", "66"],
["Timor-Leste", "tl", "670"],
["Togo", "tg", "228"],
["Tokelau", "tk", "690"],
["Tonga", "to", "676"],
["Trinidad and Tobago", "tt", "1", 22, ["868"]],
["Tunisia (تونس)", "tn", "216"],
["Turkey (Türkiye)", "tr", "90"],
["Turkmenistan", "tm", "993"],
["Turks and Caicos Islands", "tc", "1", 23, ["649"]],
["Tuvalu", "tv", "688"],
["U.S. Virgin Islands", "vi", "1", 24, ["340"]],
["Uganda", "ug", "256"],
["Ukraine (Україна)", "ua", "380"],
["United Arab Emirates (الإمارات العربية المتحدة)", "ae", "971"],
["United Kingdom", "gb", "44", 0],
["United States", "us", "1", 0],
["Uruguay", "uy", "598"],
["Uzbekistan (Oʻzbekiston)", "uz", "998"],
["Vanuatu", "vu", "678"],
["Vatican City (Città del Vaticano)", "va", "39", 1, ["06698"]],
["Venezuela", "ve", "58"],
["Vietnam (Việt Nam)", "vn", "84"],
["Wallis and Futuna (Wallis-et-Futuna)", "wf", "681"],
["Western Sahara (الصحراء الغربية)", "eh", "212", 1, ["5288", "5289"]],
["Yemen (اليمن)", "ye", "967"],
["Zambia", "zm", "260"],
["Zimbabwe", "zw", "263"],
["Åland Islands", "ax", "358", 1, ["18"]]
for (var e = 0; e < d.length; e++)
var t = d[e];
d[e] = {
name: t[0],
iso2: t[1],
dialCode: t[2],
priority: t[3] || 0,
areaCodes: t[4] || null
function r(e, t)
if (!(e instanceof t))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")
function a(e, t)
for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++)
var a = t[n];
a.enumerable = a.enumerable || false;
a.configurable = true;
if ("value" in a)
a.writable = true
Object.defineProperty(e, a.key, a)
function n(e, t, n)
if (t)
a(e.prototype, t)
if (n)
a(e, n)
return e
p.intlTelInputGlobals = {
getInstance: function e(t)
var n = t.getAttribute("data-intl-tel-input-id");
return p.intlTelInputGlobals.instances[n]
var s = 0;
var o = {
allowDropdown: true,
autoHideDialCode: true,
autoPlaceholder: "polite",
customContainer: "",
customPlaceholder: null,
dropdownContainer: null,
excludeCountries: [],
formatOnDisplay: true,
geoIpLookup: null,
hiddenInput: "",
initialCountry: "",
localizedCountries: null,
nationalMode: true,
onlyCountries: [],
placeholderNumberType: "MOBILE",
preferredCountries: ["us", "gb"],
separateDialCode: false,
utilsScript: ""
var c = ["800", "822", "833", "844", "855", "866", "877", "880", "881", "882", "883", "884", "885", "886", "887", "888", "889"];
p.addEventListener("load", function ()
p.intlTelInputGlobals.windowLoaded = true
var u = function e(t, n)
var a = Object.keys(t);
for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++)
n(a[i], t[a[i]])
var l = function e(t)
u(p.intlTelInputGlobals.instances, function (e)
var i = function ()
function i(e, t)
var n = this;
r(this, i);
this.id = s++;
this.telInput = e;
this.activeItem = null;
this.highlightedItem = null;
var a = t ||
this.options = {};
u(o, function (e, t)
n.options[e] = a.hasOwnProperty(e) ? a[e] : t
this.hadInitialPlaceholder = Boolean(e.getAttribute("placeholder"))
n(i, [
key: "_init",
value: function e()
var n = this;
if (this.options.nationalMode)
this.options.autoHideDialCode = false
if (this.options.separateDialCode)
this.options.autoHideDialCode = this.options.nationalMode = false
this.isMobile = /Android.+Mobile|webOS|iPhone|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent);
if (this.isMobile)
if (!this.options.dropdownContainer)
this.options.dropdownContainer = h.body
if (typeof Promise !== "undefined")
var t = new Promise(function (e, t)
n.resolveAutoCountryPromise = e;
n.rejectAutoCountryPromise = t
var a = new Promise(function (e, t)
n.resolveUtilsScriptPromise = e;
n.rejectUtilsScriptPromise = t
this.promise = Promise.all([t, a])
this.resolveAutoCountryPromise = this.rejectAutoCountryPromise = function () {};
this.resolveUtilsScriptPromise = this.rejectUtilsScriptPromise = function () {}
this.selectedCountryData = {};
key: "_processCountryData",
value: function e()
if (this.options.localizedCountries)
if (this.options.onlyCountries.length || this.options.localizedCountries)
key: "_addCountryCode",
value: function e(t, n, a)
if (n.length > this.dialCodeMaxLen)
this.dialCodeMaxLen = n.length
if (!this.countryCodes.hasOwnProperty(n))
this.countryCodes[n] = []
for (var i = 0; i < this.countryCodes[n].length; i++)
if (this.countryCodes[n][i] === t)
var r = a !== f ? a : this.countryCodes[n].length;
this.countryCodes[n][r] = t
key: "_processAllCountries",
value: function e()
if (this.options.onlyCountries.length)
var t = this.options.onlyCountries;
var n = function e(t)
return t.toLowerCase()
var a = [];
for (var i = 0; i < t.length; i++)
a.push(n(t[i], i, t))
var r = a;
this.countries = d.filter(function (e)
return r.indexOf(e.iso2) > -1
else if (this.options.excludeCountries.length)
var s = this.options.excludeCountries;
var o = function e(t)
return t.toLowerCase()
var c = [];
for (var u = 0; u < s.length; u++)
c.push(o(s[u], u, s))
var l = c;
this.countries = d.filter(function (e)
return l.indexOf(e.iso2) === -1
this.countries = d
key: "_translateCountriesByLocale",
value: function e()
for (var t = 0; t < this.countries.length; t++)
var n = this.countries[t].iso2.toLowerCase();
if (this.options.localizedCountries.hasOwnProperty(n))
this.countries[t].name = this.options.localizedCountries[n]
key: "_countryNameSort",
value: function e(t, n)
return t.name.localeCompare(n.name)
key: "_processCountryCodes",
value: function e()
this.dialCodeMaxLen = 0;
this.countryCodes = {};
for (var t = 0; t < this.countries.length; t++)
var n = this.countries[t];
this._addCountryCode(n.iso2, n.dialCode, n.priority)
for (var a = 0; a < this.countries.length; a++)
var i = this.countries[a];
if (i.areaCodes)
var r = this.countryCodes[i.dialCode][0];
for (var s = 0; s < i.areaCodes.length; s++)
var o = i.areaCodes[s];
for (var c = 1; c < o.length; c++)
var u = i.dialCode + o.substr(0, c);
this._addCountryCode(r, u);
this._addCountryCode(i.iso2, u)
this._addCountryCode(i.iso2, i.dialCode + o)
key: "_processPreferredCountries",
value: function e()
this.preferredCountries = [];
for (var t = 0; t < this.options.preferredCountries.length; t++)
var n = this.options.preferredCountries[t].toLowerCase();
var a = this._getCountryData(n, false, true);
if (a)
key: "_createEl",
value: function e(t, n, a)
var i = h.createElement(t);
if (n)
u(n, function (e, t)
return i.setAttribute(e, t)
if (a)
return i
key: "_generateMarkup",
value: function e()
this.telInput.setAttribute("autocomplete", "off");
var t = "iti";
if (this.options.allowDropdown)
t += " iti--allow-dropdown"
if (this.options.separateDialCode)
t += " iti--separate-dial-code"
if (this.options.customContainer)
t += " ";
t += this.options.customContainer
var n = this._createEl("div",
class: t
this.telInput.parentNode.insertBefore(n, this.telInput);
this.flagsContainer = this._createEl("div",
class: "iti__flag-container"
}, n);
this.selectedFlag = this._createEl("div",
class: "iti__selected-flag",
role: "combobox",
"aria-owns": "country-listbox"
}, this.flagsContainer);
this.selectedFlagInner = this._createEl("div",
class: "iti__flag"
}, this.selectedFlag);
if (this.options.separateDialCode)
this.selectedDialCode = this._createEl("div",
class: "iti__selected-dial-code"
}, this.selectedFlag)
if (this.options.allowDropdown)
this.selectedFlag.setAttribute("tabindex", "0");
this.dropdownArrow = this._createEl("div",
class: "iti__arrow"
}, this.selectedFlag);
this.countryList = this._createEl("ul",
class: "iti__country-list iti__hide",
id: "country-listbox",
"aria-expanded": "false",
role: "listbox"
if (this.preferredCountries.length)
this._appendListItems(this.preferredCountries, "iti__preferred");
class: "iti__divider",
role: "separator",
"aria-disabled": "true"
}, this.countryList)
this._appendListItems(this.countries, "iti__standard");
if (this.options.dropdownContainer)
this.dropdown = this._createEl("div",
class: "iti iti--container"
if (this.options.hiddenInput)
var a = this.options.hiddenInput;
var i = this.telInput.getAttribute("name");
if (i)
var r = i.lastIndexOf("[");
if (r !== -1)
a = "".concat(i.substr(0, r), "[").concat(a, "]")
this.hiddenInput = this._createEl("input",
type: "hidden",
name: a
key: "_appendListItems",
value: function e(t, n)
var a = "";
for (var i = 0; i < t.length; i++)
var r = t[i];
a += "");
a += "");
a += "".concat(r.name, "");
a += "+".concat(r.dialCode, "");
a += ""
this.countryList.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", a)
key: "_setInitialState",
value: function e()
var t = this.telInput.value;
var n = this._getDialCode(t);
var a = this._isRegionlessNanp(t);
var i = this.options,
r = i.initialCountry,
s = i.nationalMode,
o = i.autoHideDialCode,
c = i.separateDialCode;
if (n && !a)
else if (r !== "auto")
if (r)
if (n && a)
this.defaultCountry = this.preferredCountries.length ? this.preferredCountries[0].iso2 : this.countries[0].iso2;
if (!t)
if (!t && !s && !o && !c)
this.telInput.value = "+".concat(this.selectedCountryData.dialCode)
if (t)
key: "_initListeners",
value: function e()
if (this.options.autoHideDialCode)
if (this.options.allowDropdown)
if (this.hiddenInput)
key: "_initHiddenInputListener",
value: function e()
var t = this;
this._handleHiddenInputSubmit = function ()
t.hiddenInput.value = t.getNumber()
if (this.telInput.form)
this.telInput.form.addEventListener("submit", this._handleHiddenInputSubmit)
key: "_getClosestLabel",
value: function e()
var t = this.telInput;
while (t && t.tagName !== "LABEL")
t = t.parentNode
return t
key: "_initDropdownListeners",
value: function e()
var n = this;
this._handleLabelClick = function (e)
if (n.countryList.classList.contains("iti__hide"))
else e.preventDefault()
var t = this._getClosestLabel();
if (t)
t.addEventListener("click", this._handleLabelClick)
this._handleClickSelectedFlag = function ()
if (n.countryList.classList.contains("iti__hide") && !n.telInput.disabled && !n.telInput.readOnly)
this.selectedFlag.addEventListener("click", this._handleClickSelectedFlag);
this._handleFlagsContainerKeydown = function (e)
var t = n.countryList.classList.contains("iti__hide");
if (t && ["ArrowUp", "Up", "ArrowDown", "Down", " ", "Enter"].indexOf(e.key) !== -1)
if (e.key === "Tab")
this.flagsContainer.addEventListener("keydown", this._handleFlagsContainerKeydown)
key: "_initRequests",
value: function e()
var t = this;
if (this.options.utilsScript && !p.intlTelInputUtils)
if (p.intlTelInputGlobals.windowLoaded)
p.addEventListener("load", function ()
else this.resolveUtilsScriptPromise();
if (this.options.initialCountry === "auto")
else this.resolveAutoCountryPromise()
key: "_loadAutoCountry",
value: function e()
if (p.intlTelInputGlobals.autoCountry)
else if (!p.intlTelInputGlobals.startedLoadingAutoCountry)
p.intlTelInputGlobals.startedLoadingAutoCountry = true;
if (typeof this.options.geoIpLookup === "function")
this.options.geoIpLookup(function (e)
p.intlTelInputGlobals.autoCountry = e.toLowerCase();
setTimeout(function ()
return l("handleAutoCountry")
}, function ()
return l("rejectAutoCountryPromise")
key: "_initKeyListeners",
value: function e()
var t = this;
this._handleKeyupEvent = function ()
if (t._updateFlagFromNumber(t.telInput.value))
this.telInput.addEventListener("keyup", this._handleKeyupEvent);
this._handleClipboardEvent = function ()
this.telInput.addEventListener("cut", this._handleClipboardEvent);
this.telInput.addEventListener("paste", this._handleClipboardEvent)
key: "_cap",
value: function e(t)
var n = this.telInput.getAttribute("maxlength");
return n && t.length > n ? t.substr(0, n) : t
key: "_initBlurListeners",
value: function e()
var t = this;
this._handleSubmitOrBlurEvent = function ()
if (this.telInput.form)
this.telInput.form.addEventListener("submit", this._handleSubmitOrBlurEvent)
this.telInput.addEventListener("blur", this._handleSubmitOrBlurEvent)
key: "_removeEmptyDialCode",
value: function e()
if (this.telInput.value.charAt(0) === "+")
var t = this._getNumeric(this.telInput.value);
if (!t || this.selectedCountryData.dialCode === t)
this.telInput.value = ""
key: "_getNumeric",
value: function e(t)
return t.replace(/\D/g, "")
key: "_trigger",
value: function e(t)
var n = h.createEvent("Event");
n.initEvent(t, true, true);
key: "_showDropdown",
value: function e()
this.countryList.setAttribute("aria-expanded", "true");
if (this.activeItem)
this._highlightListItem(this.activeItem, false);
this._scrollTo(this.activeItem, true)
key: "_toggleClass",
value: function e(t, n, a)
if (a && !t.classList.contains(n))
else if (!a && t.classList.contains(n))
key: "_setDropdownPosition",
value: function e()
var t = this;
if (this.options.dropdownContainer)
if (!this.isMobile)
var n = this.telInput.getBoundingClientRect();
var a = p.pageYOffset || h.documentElement.scrollTop;
var i = n.top + a;
var r = this.countryList.offsetHeight;
var s = i + this.telInput.offsetHeight + r < a + p.innerHeight;
var o = i - r > a;
this._toggleClass(this.countryList, "iti__country-list--dropup", !s && o);
if (this.options.dropdownContainer)
var c = !s && o ? 0 : this.telInput.offsetHeight;
this.dropdown.style.top = "".concat(i + c, "px");
this.dropdown.style.left = "".concat(n.left + h.body.scrollLeft, "px");
this._handleWindowScroll = function ()
return t._closeDropdown()
p.addEventListener("scroll", this._handleWindowScroll)
key: "_getClosestListItem",
value: function e(t)
var n = t;
while (n && n !== this.countryList && !n.classList.contains("iti__country"))
n = n.parentNode
return n === this.countryList ? null : n
key: "_bindDropdownListeners",
value: function e()
var n = this;
this._handleMouseoverCountryList = function (e)
var t = n._getClosestListItem(e.target);
if (t)
n._highlightListItem(t, false)
this.countryList.addEventListener("mouseover", this._handleMouseoverCountryList);
this._handleClickCountryList = function (e)
var t = n._getClosestListItem(e.target);
if (t)
this.countryList.addEventListener("click", this._handleClickCountryList);
var t = true;
this._handleClickOffToClose = function ()
if (!t)
t = false
h.documentElement.addEventListener("click", this._handleClickOffToClose);
var a = "";
var i = null;
this._handleKeydownOnDropdown = function (e)
if (e.key === "ArrowUp" || e.key === "Up" || e.key === "ArrowDown" || e.key === "Down")
else if (e.key === "Enter")
else if (e.key === "Escape")
else if (/^[a-zA-ZÀ-ÿ ]$/.test(e.key))
if (i)
a += e.key.toLowerCase();
i = setTimeout(function ()
a = ""
}, 1e3)
h.addEventListener("keydown", this._handleKeydownOnDropdown)
key: "_handleUpDownKey",
value: function e(t)
var n = t === "ArrowUp" || t === "Up" ? this.highlightedItem.previousElementSibling : this.highlightedItem.nextElementSibling;
if (n)
if (n.classList.contains("iti__divider"))
n = t === "ArrowUp" || t === "Up" ? n.previousElementSibling : n.nextElementSibling
this._highlightListItem(n, true)
key: "_handleEnterKey",
value: function e()
if (this.highlightedItem)
key: "_searchForCountry",
value: function e(t)
for (var n = 0; n < this.countries.length; n++)
if (this._startsWith(this.countries[n].name, t))
var a = this.countryList.querySelector("#iti-item-".concat(this.countries[n].iso2));
this._highlightListItem(a, false);
this._scrollTo(a, true);
key: "_startsWith",
value: function e(t, n)
return t.substr(0, n.length).toLowerCase() === n
key: "_updateValFromNumber",
value: function e(t)
var n = t;
if (this.options.formatOnDisplay && p.intlTelInputUtils && this.selectedCountryData)
var a = !this.options.separateDialCode && (this.options.nationalMode || n.charAt(0) !== "+");
var i = intlTelInputUtils.numberFormat,
var o = a ? r : s;
n = intlTelInputUtils.formatNumber(n, this.selectedCountryData.iso2, o)
n = this._beforeSetNumber(n);
this.telInput.value = n
key: "_updateFlagFromNumber",
value: function e(t)
var n = t;
var a = this.selectedCountryData.dialCode;
var i = a === "1";
if (n && this.options.nationalMode && i && n.charAt(0) !== "+")
if (n.charAt(0) !== "1")
n = "1".concat(n)
n = "+".concat(n)
if (this.options.separateDialCode && a && n.charAt(0) !== "+")
n = "+".concat(a).concat(n)
var r = this._getDialCode(n);
var s = this._getNumeric(n);
var o = null;
if (r)
var c = this.countryCodes[this._getNumeric(r)];
var u = c.indexOf(this.selectedCountryData.iso2) !== -1 && s.length <= r.length - 1;
var l = a === "1" && this._isRegionlessNanp(s);
if (!l && !u)
for (var d = 0; d < c.length; d++)
if (c[d])
o = c[d];
else if (n.charAt(0) === "+" && s.length)
o = ""
else if (!n || n === "+")
o = this.defaultCountry
if (o !== null)
return this._setFlag(o)
return false
key: "_isRegionlessNanp",
value: function e(t)
var n = this._getNumeric(t);
if (n.charAt(0) === "1")
var a = n.substr(1, 3);
return c.indexOf(a) !== -1
return false
key: "_highlightListItem",
value: function e(t, n)
var a = this.highlightedItem;
if (a)
this.highlightedItem = t;
if (n)
key: "_getCountryData",
value: function e(t, n, a)
var i = n ? d : this.countries;
for (var r = 0; r < i.length; r++)
if (i[r].iso2 === t)
return i[r]
if (a)
return null
throw new Error("No country data for '".concat(t, "'"))
key: "_setFlag",
value: function e(t)
var n = this.selectedCountryData.iso2 ? this.selectedCountryData :
this.selectedCountryData = t ? this._getCountryData(t, false, false) :
if (this.selectedCountryData.iso2)
this.defaultCountry = this.selectedCountryData.iso2
this.selectedFlagInner.setAttribute("class", "iti__flag iti__".concat(t));
var a = t ? "".concat(this.selectedCountryData.name, ": +").concat(this.selectedCountryData.dialCode) : "Unknown";
this.selectedFlag.setAttribute("title", a);
if (this.options.separateDialCode)
var i = this.selectedCountryData.dialCode ? "+".concat(this.selectedCountryData.dialCode) : "";
this.selectedDialCode.innerHTML = i;
var r = this.selectedFlag.offsetWidth || this._getHiddenSelectedFlagWidth();
this.telInput.style.paddingLeft = "".concat(r + 6, "px")
if (this.options.allowDropdown)
var s = this.activeItem;
if (s)
s.setAttribute("aria-selected", "false")
if (t)
var o = this.countryList.querySelector("#iti-item-".concat(t));
o.setAttribute("aria-selected", "true");
this.activeItem = o;
this.countryList.setAttribute("aria-activedescendant", o.getAttribute("id"))
return n.iso2 !== t
key: "_getHiddenSelectedFlagWidth",
value: function e()
var t = this.telInput.parentNode.cloneNode();
t.style.visibility = "hidden";
var n = this.selectedFlag.cloneNode(true);
var a = n.offsetWidth;
return a
key: "_updatePlaceholder",
value: function e()
var t = this.options.autoPlaceholder === "aggressive" || !this.hadInitialPlaceholder && this.options.autoPlaceholder === "polite";
if (p.intlTelInputUtils && t)
var n = intlTelInputUtils.numberType[this.options.placeholderNumberType];
var a = this.selectedCountryData.iso2 ? intlTelInputUtils.getExampleNumber(this.selectedCountryData.iso2, this.options.nationalMode, n) : "";
a = this._beforeSetNumber(a);
if (typeof this.options.customPlaceholder === "function")
a = this.options.customPlaceholder(a, this.selectedCountryData)
this.telInput.setAttribute("placeholder", a)
key: "_selectListItem",
value: function e(t)
var n = this._setFlag(t.getAttribute("data-country-code"));
this._updateDialCode(t.getAttribute("data-dial-code"), true);
var a = this.telInput.value.length;
this.telInput.setSelectionRange(a, a);
if (n)
key: "_closeDropdown",
value: function e()
this.countryList.setAttribute("aria-expanded", "false");
h.removeEventListener("keydown", this._handleKeydownOnDropdown);
h.documentElement.removeEventListener("click", this._handleClickOffToClose);
this.countryList.removeEventListener("mouseover", this._handleMouseoverCountryList);
this.countryList.removeEventListener("click", this._handleClickCountryList);
if (this.options.dropdownContainer)
if (!this.isMobile)
p.removeEventListener("scroll", this._handleWindowScroll)
if (this.dropdown.parentNode)
key: "_scrollTo",
value: function e(t, n)
var a = this.countryList;
var i = p.pageYOffset || h.documentElement.scrollTop;
var r = a.offsetHeight;
var s = a.getBoundingClientRect().top + i;
var o = s + r;
var c = t.offsetHeight;
var u = t.getBoundingClientRect().top + i;
var l = u + c;
var d = u - s + a.scrollTop;
var m = r / 2 - c / 2;
if (u < s)
if (n)
d -= m
a.scrollTop = d
else if (l > o)
if (n)
d += m
var f = r - c;
a.scrollTop = d - f
key: "_updateDialCode",
value: function e(t, n)
var a = this.telInput.value;
var i = "+".concat(t);
var r;
if (a.charAt(0) === "+")
var s = this._getDialCode(a);
if (s)
r = a.replace(s, i)
r = i
else if (this.options.nationalMode || this.options.separateDialCode)
if (a)
r = i + a
else if (n || !this.options.autoHideDialCode)
r = i
this.telInput.value = r
key: "_getDialCode",
value: function e(t)
var n = "";
if (t.charAt(0) === "+")
var a = "";
for (var i = 0; i < t.length; i++)
var r = t.charAt(i);
if (!isNaN(parseInt(r, 10)))
a += r;
if (this.countryCodes[a])
n = t.substr(0, i + 1)
if (a.length === this.dialCodeMaxLen)
return n
key: "_getFullNumber",
value: function e()
var t = this.telInput.value.trim();
var n = this.selectedCountryData.dialCode;
var a;
var i = this._getNumeric(t);
if (this.options.separateDialCode && t.charAt(0) !== "+" && n && i)
a = "+".concat(n)
a = ""
return a + t
key: "_beforeSetNumber",
value: function e(t)
var n = t;
if (this.options.separateDialCode)
var a = this._getDialCode(n);
if (a)
a = "+".concat(this.selectedCountryData.dialCode);
var i = n[a.length] === " " || n[a.length] === "-" ? a.length + 1 : a.length;
n = n.substr(i)
return this._cap(n)
key: "_triggerCountryChange",
value: function e()
key: "handleAutoCountry",
value: function e()
if (this.options.initialCountry === "auto")
this.defaultCountry = p.intlTelInputGlobals.autoCountry;
if (!this.telInput.value)
key: "handleUtils",
value: function e()
if (p.intlTelInputUtils)
if (this.telInput.value)
key: "destroy",
value: function e()
var t = this.telInput.form;
if (this.options.allowDropdown)
this.selectedFlag.removeEventListener("click", this._handleClickSelectedFlag);
this.flagsContainer.removeEventListener("keydown", this._handleFlagsContainerKeydown);
var n = this._getClosestLabel();
if (n)
n.removeEventListener("click", this._handleLabelClick)
if (this.hiddenInput && t)
t.removeEventListener("submit", this._handleHiddenInputSubmit)
if (this.options.autoHideDialCode)
if (t)
t.removeEventListener("submit", this._handleSubmitOrBlurEvent)
this.telInput.removeEventListener("blur", this._handleSubmitOrBlurEvent)
this.telInput.removeEventListener("keyup", this._handleKeyupEvent);
this.telInput.removeEventListener("cut", this._handleClipboardEvent);
this.telInput.removeEventListener("paste", this._handleClipboardEvent);
var a = this.telInput.parentNode;
a.parentNode.insertBefore(this.telInput, a);
delete p.intlTelInputGlobals.instances[this.id]
key: "getExtension",
value: function e()
if (p.intlTelInputUtils)
return intlTelInputUtils.getExtension(this._getFullNumber(), this.selectedCountryData.iso2)
return ""
key: "getNumber",
value: function e(t)
if (p.intlTelInputUtils)
var n = this.selectedCountryData.iso2;
return intlTelInputUtils.formatNumber(this._getFullNumber(), n, t)
return ""
key: "getNumberType",
value: function e()
if (p.intlTelInputUtils)
return intlTelInputUtils.getNumberType(this._getFullNumber(), this.selectedCountryData.iso2)
return -99
key: "getSelectedCountryData",
value: function e()
return this.selectedCountryData
key: "getValidationError",
value: function e()
if (p.intlTelInputUtils)
var t = this.selectedCountryData.iso2;
return intlTelInputUtils.getValidationError(this._getFullNumber(), t)
return -99
key: "isValidNumber",
value: function e()
var t = this._getFullNumber().trim();
var n = this.options.nationalMode ? this.selectedCountryData.iso2 : "";
return p.intlTelInputUtils ? intlTelInputUtils.isValidNumber(t, n) : null
key: "setCountry",
value: function e(t)
var n = t.toLowerCase();
if (!this.selectedFlagInner.classList.contains("iti__".concat(n)))
this._updateDialCode(this.selectedCountryData.dialCode, false);
key: "setNumber",
value: function e(t)
var n = this._updateFlagFromNumber(t);
if (n)
key: "setPlaceholderNumberType",
value: function e(t)
this.options.placeholderNumberType = t;
return i
p.intlTelInputGlobals.getCountryData = function ()
return d
var m = function e(t, n, a)
var i = h.createElement("script");
i.onload = function ()
if (n)
i.onerror = function ()
if (a)
i.className = "iti-load-utils";
i.async = true;
i.src = t;
p.intlTelInputGlobals.loadUtils = function (n)
if (!p.intlTelInputUtils && !p.intlTelInputGlobals.startedLoadingUtilsScript)
p.intlTelInputGlobals.startedLoadingUtilsScript = true;
if (typeof Promise !== "undefined")
return new Promise(function (e, t)
return m(n, e, t)
return null
p.intlTelInputGlobals.defaults = o;
p.intlTelInputGlobals.version = "16.0.7";
return function (e, t)
var n = new i(e, t);
e.setAttribute("data-intl-tel-input-id", n.id);
p.intlTelInputGlobals.instances[n.id] = n;
return n
}(window, document), e.exports ? e.exports = t : window.intlTelInput = t
ad = "Андорра (Andorra)",
ae = "ОАЭ (الإمارات العربية المتحدة)",
af = "Афганистан (افغانستان)",
ag = "Антигуа и Барбуда (Antigua and Barbuda)",
ai = "Ангилья (Anguilla)",
al = "Албания (Shqipëri)",
am = "Армения (Հայաստան)",
ao = "Ангола (Angola)",
ar = "Аргентина (Argentina)",
as = "Американское Самоа (American Samoa)",
at = "Австрия (Österreich)",
au = "Австралия (Australia)",
aw = "Аруба (Aruba)",
ax = "Аландские о-ва (Åland Islands)",
az = "Азербайджан (Azərbaycan)",
ba = "Босния и Герцеговина (Босна и Херцеговина)",
bb = "Барбадос (Barbados)",
bd = "Бангладеш (বাংলাদেশ)",
be = "Бельгия (België)",
bf = "Буркина-Фасо (Burkina Faso)",
bg = "Болгария (България)",
bh = "Бахрейн (البحرين)",
bi = "Бурунди (Uburundi)",
bj = "Бенин (Bénin)",
bl = "Сен-Бартелеми (Saint Barthélemy)",
bm = "Бермудские о-ва (Bermuda)",
bn = "Бруней-Даруссалам (Brunei)",
bo = "Боливия (Bolivia)",
bq = "Бонэйр, Синт-Эстатиус и Саба (Caribbean Netherlands)",
br = "Бразилия (Brasil)",
bs = "Багамы (Bahamas)",
bt = "Бутан (འབྲུག)",
bw = "Ботсвана (Botswana)",
by = "Беларусь",
bz = "Белиз (Belize)",
ca = "Канада (Canada)",
cc = "Кокосовые о-ва (Cocos (Keeling) Islands)",
cd = "Конго - Киншаса (Jamhuri ya Kidemokrasia ya Kongo)",
cf = "Центрально-Африканская Республика (République centrafricaine)",
cg = "Конго - Браззавиль (Congo-Brazzaville)",
ch = "Швейцария (Schweiz)",
ci = "Кот-д’Ивуар (Côte d’Ivoire)",
ck = "Острова Кука (Cook Islands)",
cl = "Чили (Chile)",
cm = "Камерун (Cameroun)",
cn = "Китай (中国)",
co = "Колумбия (Colombia)",
cr = "Коста-Рика (Costa Rica)",
cu = "Куба (Cuba)",
cv = "Кабо-Верде (Kabu Verdi)",
cw = "Кюрасао (Curaçao)",
cx = "о-в Рождества (Christmas Island)",
cy = "Кипр (Κύπρος)",
cz = "Чехия (Česká republika)",
de = "Германия (Deutschland)",
dj = "Джибути (Djibouti)",
dk = "Дания (Danmark)",
dm = "Доминика (Dominica)",
dz = "Алжир (الجزائر)",
ec = "Эквадор (Ecuador)",
ee = "Эстония (Eesti)",
eg = "Египет (مصر)",
eh = "Западная Сахара (الصحراء الغربية)",
er = "Эритрея (Eritrea)",
es = "Испания (España)",
et = "Эфиопия (Ethiopia)",
fi = "Финляндия (Suomi)",
fj = "Фиджи (Fiji)",
fk = "Фолклендские о-ва (Islas Malvinas)",
fm = "Федеративные Штаты Микронезии (Micronesia)",
fo = "Фарерские о-ва (Føroyar)",
fr = "Франция (France)",
ga = "Габон (Gabon)",
gb = "Великобритания (United Kingdom)",
gd = "Гренада (Grenada)",
ge = "Грузия (საქართველო)",
gf = "Французская Гвиана (Guyane française)",
gg = "Гернси (Guernsey)",
gh = "Гана (Gaana)",
gi = "Гибралтар (Gibraltar)",
gl = "Гренландия (Kalaallit Nunaat)",
gm = "Гамбия (Gambia)",
gn = "Гвинея (Guinée)",
gp = "Гваделупа (Guadeloupe)",
gq = "Экваториальная Гвинея (Guinea Ecuatorial)",
gr = "Греция (Ελλάδα)",
gt = "Гватемала (Guatemala)",
gu = "Гуам (Guam)",
gw = "Гвинея-Бисау (Guiné Bissau)",
gy = "Гайана (Guyana)",
hk = "Гонконг (САР) (香港)",
hn = "Гондурас (Honduras)",
hr = "Хорватия (Hrvatska)",
ht = "Гаити (Haiti)",
hu = "Венгрия (Magyarország)",
id = "Индонезия (Indonesia)",
ie = "Ирландия (Ireland)",
il = "Израиль (ישראל)",
im = "о-в Мэн (Isle of Man)",
io = "Британская территория в Индийском океане (British Indian Ocean Territory)",
iq = "Ирак (العراق)",
ir = "Иран (ایران)",
is = "Исландия (Ísland)",
it = "Италия (Italia)",
je = "Джерси (Jersey)",
jm = "Ямайка (Jamaica)",
jo = "Иордания (الأردن)",
jp = "Япония (日本)",
ke = "Кения (Kenya)",
kg = "Киргизия (Кыргызстан)",
kh = "Камбоджа (កម្ពុជា)",
ki = "Кирибати (Kiribati)",
km = "Коморы (جزر القمر)",
kn = "Сент-Китс и Невис (Saint Kitts and Nevis)",
kp = "КНДР (조선 민주주의 인민 공화국)",
kr = "Республика Корея (대한민국)",
kw = "Кувейт (الكويت)",
ky = "Острова Кайман (Cayman Islands)",
kz = "Казахстан",
la = "Лаос (ລາວ)",
lb = "Ливан (لبنان)",
lc = "Сент-Люсия (Saint Lucia)",
li = "Лихтенштейн (Liechtenstein)",
lk = "Шри-Ланка (ශ්රී ලංකාව)",
lr = "Либерия (Liberia)",
ls = "Лесото (Lesotho)",
lt = "Литва (Lietuva)",
lu = "Люксембург (Luxembourg)",
lv = "Латвия (Latvija)",
ly = "Ливия (ليبيا)",
ma = "Марокко (المغرب)",
mc = "Монако (Monaco)",
md = "Молдова (Moldova)",
me = "Черногория (Crna Gora)",
mf = "Сен-Мартен (Saint Martin)",
mg = "Мадагаскар (Madagasikara)",
mh = "Маршалловы Острова (Marshall Islands)",
mk = "Северная Македония (Македонија)",
ml = "Мали (Mali)",
mm = "Мьянма (Бирма) (မြန်မာ)",
mn = "Монголия (Монгол)",
mo = "Макао (САР) (澳門)",
mp = "Северные Марианские о-ва (Northern Mariana Islands)",
mq = "Мартиника (Martinique)",
mr = "Мавритания (موريتانيا)",
ms = "Монтсеррат (Montserrat)",
mt = "Мальта (Malta)",
mu = "Маврикий (Moris)",
mv = "Мальдивы (Maldives)",
mw = "Малави (Malawi)",
mx = "Мексика (México)",
my = "Малайзия (Malaysia)",
mz = "Мозамбик (Moçambique)",
na = "Намибия (Namibië)",
nc = "Новая Каледония (Nouvelle-Calédonie)",
ne = "Нигер (Nijar)",
nf = "о-в Норфолк (Norfolk Island)",
ng = "Нигерия (Nigeria)",
ni = "Никарагуа (Nicaragua)",
nl = "Нидерланды (Nederland)",
no = "Норвегия (Norge)",
np = "Непал (नेपाल)",
nr = "Науру (Nauru)",
nu = "Ниуэ (Niue)",
nz = "Новая Зеландия (New Zealand)",
om = "Оман (عُمان)",
pa = "Панама (Panamá)",
pe = "Перу (Perú)",
pf = "Французская Полинезия (Polynésie française)",
pg = "Папуа — Новая Гвинея (Papua New Guinea)",
ph = "Филиппины (Philippines)",
pk = "Пакистан (پاکستان)",
pl = "Польша (Polska)",
pm = "Сен-Пьер и Микелон (Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon)",
pr = "Пуэрто-Рико (Puerto Rico)",
ps = "Палестинские территории (فلسطين)",
pt = "Португалия (Portugal)",
pw = "Палау (Palau)",
py = "Парагвай (Paraguay)",
qa = "Катар (قطر)",
re = "Реюньон (La Réunion)",
ro = "Румыния (România)",
rs = "Сербия (Србија)",
ru = "Россия",
rw = "Руанда (Rwanda)",
sa = "Саудовская Аравия (المملكة العربية السعودية)",
sb = "Соломоновы Острова (Solomon Islands)",
sc = "Сейшельские Острова (Seychelles)",
sd = "Судан (السودان)",
se = "Швеция (Sverige)",
sg = "Сингапур (Singapore)",
sh = "о-в Св. Елены (Saint Helena)",
si = "Словения (Slovenija)",
sj = "Шпицберген и Ян-Майен (Svalbard and Jan Mayen)",
sk = "Словакия (Slovensko)",
sl = "Сьерра-Леоне (Sierra Leone)",
sm = "Сан-Марино (San Marino)",
sn = "Сенегал (Sénégal)",
so = "Сомали (Soomaaliya)",
sr = "Суринам (Suriname)",
ss = "Южный Судан (جنوب السودان)",
st = "Сан-Томе и Принсипи (São Tomé e Príncipe)",
sv = "Сальвадор (El Salvador)",
sx = "Синт-Мартен (Sint Maarten)",
sy = "Сирия (سوريا)",
sz = "Эсватини (Swaziland)",
tc = "о-ва Тёркс и Кайкос (Turks and Caicos Islands)",
td = "Чад (Tchad)",
tg = "Того (Togo)",
th = "Таиланд (ไทย)",
tj = "Таджикистан (Tajikistan)",
tk = "Токелау (Tokelau)",
tl = "Восточный Тимор (Timor-Leste)",
tm = "Туркменистан (Turkmenistan)",
tn = "Тунис (تونس)",
to = "Тонга (Tonga)",
tr = "Турция (Türkiye)",
tt = "Тринидад и Тобаго (Trinidad and Tobago)",
tv = "Тувалу (Tuvalu)",
tw = "Тайвань (台灣)",
tz = "Танзания (Tanzania)",
ua = "Украина (Україна)",
ug = "Уганда (Uganda)",
us = "Соединенные Штаты (United States)",
uy = "Уругвай (Uruguay)",
uz = "Узбекистан (Oʻzbekiston)",
va = "Ватикан (Città del Vaticano)",
vc = "Сент-Винсент и Гренадины (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines)",
ve = "Венесуэла (Venezuela)",
vg = "Виргинские о-ва (Великобритания) (British Virgin Islands)",
vi = "Виргинские о-ва (США) (U.S. Virgin Islands)",
vn = "Вьетнам (Việt Nam)",
vu = "Вануату (Vanuatu)",
wf = "Уоллис и Футуна (Wallis-et-Futuna)",
ws = "Самоа (Samoa)",
xk = "Косово (Kosovo)",
ye = "Йемен (اليمن)",
yt = "Майотта (Mayotte)",
za = "Южно-Африканская Республика (South Africa)",
zm = "Замбия (Zambia)",
zw = "Зимбабве (Zimbabwe)",
countries_ru = {
ad: ad,
ae: ae,
af: af,
ag: ag,
ai: ai,
al: al,
am: am,
ao: ao,
ar: ar,
as: as,
at: at,
au: au,
aw: aw,
ax: ax,
az: az,
ba: ba,
bb: bb,
bd: bd,
be: be,
bf: bf,
bg: bg,
bh: bh,
bi: bi,
bj: bj,
bl: bl,
bm: bm,
bn: bn,
bo: bo,
bq: bq,
br: br,
bs: bs,
bt: bt,
bw: bw,
by: by,
bz: bz,
ca: ca,
cc: cc,
cd: cd,
cf: cf,
cg: cg,
ch: ch,
ci: ci,
ck: ck,
cl: cl,
cm: cm,
cn: cn,
co: co,
cr: cr,
cu: cu,
cv: cv,
cw: cw,
cx: cx,
cy: cy,
cz: cz,
de: de,
dj: dj,
dk: dk,
dm: dm,
do: "Доминиканская Республика (República Dominicana)",
dz: dz,
ec: ec,
ee: ee,
eg: eg,
eh: eh,
er: er,
es: es,
et: et,
fi: fi,
fj: fj,
fk: fk,
fm: fm,
fo: fo,
fr: fr,
ga: ga,
gb: gb,
gd: gd,
ge: ge,
gf: gf,
gg: gg,
gh: gh,
gi: gi,
gl: gl,
gm: gm,
gn: gn,
gp: gp,
gq: gq,
gr: gr,
gt: gt,
gu: gu,
gw: gw,
gy: gy,
hk: hk,
hn: hn,
hr: hr,
ht: ht,
hu: hu,
id: id,
ie: ie,
il: il,
im: im,
in: "Индия (भारत)",
io: io,
iq: iq,
ir: ir,
is: is,
it: it,
je: je,
jm: jm,
jo: jo,
jp: jp,
ke: ke,
kg: kg,
kh: kh,
ki: ki,
km: km,
kn: kn,
kp: kp,
kr: kr,
kw: kw,
ky: ky,
kz: kz,
la: la,
lb: lb,
lc: lc,
li: li,
lk: lk,
lr: lr,
ls: ls,
lt: lt,
lu: lu,
lv: lv,
ly: ly,
ma: ma,
mc: mc,
md: md,
me: me,
mf: mf,
mg: mg,
mh: mh,
mk: mk,
ml: ml,
mm: mm,
mn: mn,
mo: mo,
mp: mp,
mq: mq,
mr: mr,
ms: ms,
mt: mt,
mu: mu,
mv: mv,
mw: mw,
mx: mx,
my: my,
mz: mz,
na: na,
nc: nc,
ne: ne,
nf: nf,
ng: ng,
ni: ni,
nl: nl,
no: no,
np: np,
nr: nr,
nu: nu,
nz: nz,
om: om,
pa: pa,
pe: pe,
pf: pf,
pg: pg,
ph: ph,
pk: pk,
pl: pl,
pm: pm,
pr: pr,
ps: ps,
pt: pt,
pw: pw,
py: py,
qa: qa,
re: re,
ro: ro,
rs: rs,
ru: ru,
rw: rw,
sa: sa,
sb: sb,
sc: sc,
sd: sd,
se: se,
sg: sg,
sh: sh,
si: si,
sj: sj,
sk: sk,
sl: sl,
sm: sm,
sn: sn,
so: so,
sr: sr,
ss: ss,
st: st,
sv: sv,
sx: sx,
sy: sy,
sz: sz,
tc: tc,
td: td,
tg: tg,
th: th,
tj: tj,
tk: tk,
tl: tl,
tm: tm,
tn: tn,
to: to,
tr: tr,
tt: tt,
tv: tv,
tw: tw,
tz: tz,
ua: ua,
ug: ug,
us: us,
uy: uy,
uz: uz,
va: va,
vc: vc,
ve: ve,
vg: vg,
vi: vi,
vn: vn,
vu: vu,
wf: wf,
ws: ws,
xk: xk,
ye: ye,
yt: yt,
za: za,
zm: zm,
zw: zw
allLocalizedCountries = {
ru: countries_ru,
RU: countries_ru,
ru_RU: countries_ru
inputmask.prototype.aliases.abstractphone.mask = function (e)
e.definitions = {
"#": inputmask.prototype.definitions[9]
for (var t, n = e.phoneCodes, a = [], i = 0; i < n.length; i++) a.push(("string" == typeof (t = n[i]) && (t = {
mask: t
}), t._cleanCode = t.mask.replace(/[^0-9]/g, ""), t));
var r = a;
r = r.sort(function (e, t)
return e._cleanCode.localeCompare(t._cleanCode)
for (var o = {}, s = r, c = function (e)
for (var t = 1; t < e._cleanCode.length; t++)
var n = e._cleanCode.substr(0, t);
if (!o[n])
for (var a = e.mask, i = /[0-9]/g, r = 0, s = void 0; s = i.exec(e.mask);) ++r > n.length && (a = a.substr(0, s.index) + "#" + a.substr(s.index + 1));
o[n] = _extends(
{}, e,
mask: a,
_cleanCode: n
o[e._cleanCode] = !0
}, u = 0; u < s.length; u++) c(s[u]);
for (var l in o) o.hasOwnProperty(l) && "object" === _typeof(o[l]) && r.push(o[l]);
return r = r.sort(function (e, t)
return e._cleanCode.length <= t._cleanCode.length ? 1 : -1
var ipInfoUrl = "https://ipinfo.io/json",
currentState = STATE_READY,
currentData = null,
callbacks = [],
getCookie = function (e)
for (var t = e + "=", n = document.cookie.split(";"), a = !1, i = 0; i < n.length; i++)
for (var r = n[i];
" " === r.charAt(0);) r = r.substring(1, r.length);
if (0 === r.indexOf(t))
a = r.substring(t.length, r.length);
if (a) try
a = JSON.parse(a)
catch (e)
a = !1
return a
setCookie = function (e, t, n)
var a = new Date;
a.setTime(a.getTime() + n), n = "; expires=" + a.toUTCString(), document.cookie = e + "=" + JSON.stringify(t) + n + "; path=/"
xhr = function (e, t)
var n = new XMLHttpRequest;
n.onreadystatechange = function ()
4 === n.readyState && 200 === n.status && t(!1, n.responseText)
}, n.onerror = function ()
}, n.timeout = e.timeout, n.open(e.method, e.url, !0), n.send()
handleResult = function (t, e)
var n = null;
if (!t) try
var a = JSON.parse(e);
a.ip ? n = a : t = "ip not found"
catch (e)
t = e
for (var i = callbacks, r = 0; r < i.length; r++)(0, i[r])(t, n);
return callbacks = [], !t && n
myIpInfo = function (e, t)
var n = e.timeout || 5e3,
a = e.cookieName || !1,
i = e.cookieExpires || 6e5;
if (!(e.force || !1))
var r = currentData || getCookie(a);
if (r) return void t(!1, r)
callbacks.push(t), currentState === STATE_READY && (currentState = STATE_LOADING, xhr(
method: "GET",
url: ipInfoUrl,
timeout: n
}, function (e, t)
var n = handleResult(e, t);
setCookie(a, currentData = n, i), currentState = STATE_READY
slice = Array.prototype.slice,
domWalk = iterativelyWalk;
function iterativelyWalk(e, t)
"length" in e || (e = [e]), e = slice.call(e);
for (; e.length;)
var n = e.shift(),
a = t(n);
if (a) return a;
n.childNodes && n.childNodes.length && (e = slice.call(n.childNodes).concat(e))
var domComment = Comment;
function Comment(e, t)
if (!(this instanceof Comment)) return new Comment(e, t);
this.data = e, this.nodeValue = e, this.length = e.length, this.ownerDocument = t || null
Comment.prototype.nodeType = 8, Comment.prototype.nodeName = "#comment", Comment.prototype.toString = function ()
return "[object Comment]"
var domText = DOMText;
function DOMText(e, t)
if (!(this instanceof DOMText)) return new DOMText(e);
this.data = e || "", this.length = this.data.length, this.ownerDocument = t || null
DOMText.prototype.type = "DOMTextNode", DOMText.prototype.nodeType = 3, DOMText.prototype.nodeName = "#text", DOMText.prototype.toString = function ()
return this.data
}, DOMText.prototype.replaceData = function (e, t, n)
var a = this.data,
i = a.substring(0, e),
r = a.substring(e + t, a.length);
this.data = i + n + r, this.length = this.data.length
var dispatchEvent_1 = dispatchEvent;
function dispatchEvent(e)
var t = this,
n = e.type;
e.target || (e.target = t), t.listeners || (t.listeners = {});
var a, i = t.listeners[n];
if (i)
for (var r = i, s = 0; s < r.length; s++) a = r[s], e.currentTarget = t, "function" == typeof a ? a(e) : a.handleEvent(e);
else t.parentNode && t.parentNode.dispatchEvent(e)
var addEventListener_1 = addEventListener;
function addEventListener(e, t)
var n = this;
n.listeners || (n.listeners = {}), n.listeners[e] || (n.listeners[e] = []), -1 === n.listeners[e].indexOf(t) && n.listeners[e].push(t)
var removeEventListener_1 = removeEventListener;
function removeEventListener(e, t)
if (this.listeners && this.listeners[e])
var n = this.listeners[e],
a = n.indexOf(t); - 1 !== a && n.splice(a, 1)
var serialize = serializeNode,
voidElements = ["area", "base", "br", "col", "embed", "hr", "img", "input", "keygen", "link", "menuitem", "meta", "param", "source", "track", "wbr"];
function serializeNode(e)
switch (e.nodeType)
case 3:
return escapeText(e.data);
case 8:
return "";
return serializeElement(e)
function serializeElement(e)
var t = [],
n = e.tagName;
if ("http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" === e.namespaceURI && (n = n.toLowerCase()), t.push("<" + n + properties(e) + datasetify(e)), -1 < voidElements.indexOf(n)) t.push(" />");
if (t.push(">"), e.childNodes.length)
for (var a = e.childNodes, i = serializeNode, r = [], s = 0; s < a.length; s++) r.push(i(a[s], s, a));
t.push.apply(t, r)
else e.textContent || e.innerText ? t.push(escapeText(e.textContent || e.innerText)) : e.innerHTML && t.push(e.innerHTML);
t.push("" + n + ">")
return t.join("")
function isProperty(e, t)
var n = _typeof(e[t]);
return "style" === t && 0 < Object.keys(e.style).length || e.hasOwnProperty(t) && ("string" === n || "boolean" === n || "number" === n) && "nodeName" !== t && "className" !== t && "tagName" !== t && "textContent" !== t && "innerText" !== t && "namespaceURI" !== t && "innerHTML" !== t
function stylify(e)
if ("string" == typeof e) return e;
for (var t, n, a = "", i = Object.keys(e), r = 0; r < i.length; r++) t = i[r], void 0, n = e[t], t = t.replace(/[A-Z]/g, function (e)
return "-" + e.toLowerCase()
}), a += t + ":" + n + ";";
return a
function datasetify(e)
var t = e.dataset,
n = [];
for (var a in t) n.push(
name: "data-" + a,
value: t[a]
return n.length ? stringify(n) : ""
function stringify(e)
for (var t, n, a, i = [], r = e, s = 0; s < r.length; s++) t = r[s], a = void 0, n = t.name, a = t.value, "style" === n && (a = stylify(a)), i.push(n + '="' + escapeAttributeValue(a) + '"');
return i.length ? " " + i.join(" ") : ""
function properties(e)
var t = [];
for (var n in e) isProperty(e, n) && t.push(
name: n,
value: e[n]
for (var a in e._attributes)
for (var i in e._attributes[a])
var r = e._attributes[a][i],
s = (r.prefix ? r.prefix + ":" : "") + i;
name: s,
value: r.value
return e.className && t.push(
name: "class",
value: e.className
}), t.length ? stringify(t) : ""
function escapeText(e)
var t = "";
return "string" == typeof e ? t = e : e && (t = e.toString()), t.replace(/&/g, "&").replace(//g, ">")
function escapeAttributeValue(e)
return escapeText(e).replace(/"/g, """)
var htmlns = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml",
domElement = DOMElement;
function DOMElement(e, t, n)
if (!(this instanceof DOMElement)) return new DOMElement(e);
var a = void 0 === n ? htmlns : n || null;
this.tagName = a === htmlns ? String(e).toUpperCase() : e, this.nodeName = this.tagName, this.className = "", this.dataset = {}, this.childNodes = [], this.parentNode = null, this.style = {}, this.ownerDocument = t || null, this.namespaceURI = a, this._attributes = {}, "INPUT" === this.tagName && (this.type = "text")
DOMElement.prototype.type = "DOMElement", DOMElement.prototype.nodeType = 1, DOMElement.prototype.appendChild = function (e)
return e.parentNode && e.parentNode.removeChild(e), this.childNodes.push(e), e.parentNode = this, e
}, DOMElement.prototype.replaceChild = function (e, t)
e.parentNode && e.parentNode.removeChild(e);
var n = this.childNodes.indexOf(t);
return t.parentNode = null, (this.childNodes[n] = e).parentNode = this, t
}, DOMElement.prototype.removeChild = function (e)
var t = this.childNodes.indexOf(e);
return this.childNodes.splice(t, 1), e.parentNode = null, e
}, DOMElement.prototype.insertBefore = function (e, t)
e.parentNode && e.parentNode.removeChild(e);
var n = null == t ? -1 : this.childNodes.indexOf(t);
return -1 < n ? this.childNodes.splice(n, 0, e) : this.childNodes.push(e), e.parentNode = this, e
}, DOMElement.prototype.setAttributeNS = function (e, t, n)
var a = null,
i = t,
r = t.indexOf(":");
(-1 < r && (a = t.substr(0, r), i = t.substr(r + 1)), "INPUT" === this.tagName && "type" === t) ? this.type = n: (this._attributes[e] || (this._attributes[e] = {}))[i] = {
value: n,
prefix: a
}, DOMElement.prototype.getAttributeNS = function (e, t)
var n = this._attributes[e],
a = n && n[t] && n[t].value;
return "INPUT" === this.tagName && "type" === t ? this.type : "string" != typeof a ? null : a
}, DOMElement.prototype.removeAttributeNS = function (e, t)
var n = this._attributes[e];
n && delete n[t]
}, DOMElement.prototype.hasAttributeNS = function (e, t)
var n = this._attributes[e];
return !!n && t in n
}, DOMElement.prototype.setAttribute = function (e, t)
return this.setAttributeNS(null, e, t)
}, DOMElement.prototype.getAttribute = function (e)
return this.getAttributeNS(null, e)
}, DOMElement.prototype.removeAttribute = function (e)
return this.removeAttributeNS(null, e)
}, DOMElement.prototype.hasAttribute = function (e)
return this.hasAttributeNS(null, e)
}, DOMElement.prototype.removeEventListener = removeEventListener_1, DOMElement.prototype.addEventListener = addEventListener_1, DOMElement.prototype.dispatchEvent = dispatchEvent_1, DOMElement.prototype.focus = function () {}, DOMElement.prototype.toString = function ()
return serialize(this)
}, DOMElement.prototype.getElementsByClassName = function (e)
var n = e.split(" "),
a = [];
return domWalk(this, function (e)
if (1 === e.nodeType)
var t = (e.className || "").split(" ");
n.every(function (e)
return -1 !== t.indexOf(e)
}) && a.push(e)
}), a
}, DOMElement.prototype.getElementsByTagName = function (t)
t = t.toLowerCase();
var n = [];
return domWalk(this.childNodes, function (e)
1 !== e.nodeType || "*" !== t && e.tagName.toLowerCase() !== t || n.push(e)
}), n
}, DOMElement.prototype.contains = function (t)
return domWalk(this, function (e)
return t === e
}) || !1
var domFragment = DocumentFragment;
function DocumentFragment(e)
if (!(this instanceof DocumentFragment)) return new DocumentFragment;
this.childNodes = [], this.parentNode = null, this.ownerDocument = e || null
DocumentFragment.prototype.type = "DocumentFragment", DocumentFragment.prototype.nodeType = 11, DocumentFragment.prototype.nodeName = "#document-fragment", DocumentFragment.prototype.appendChild = domElement.prototype.appendChild, DocumentFragment.prototype.replaceChild = domElement.prototype.replaceChild, DocumentFragment.prototype.removeChild = domElement.prototype.removeChild, DocumentFragment.prototype.toString = function ()
for (var e, t = this.childNodes, n = [], a = 0; a < t.length; a++) n.push((e = t[a], String(e)));
return n.join("")
var event = Event;
function Event(e)
Event.prototype.initEvent = function (e, t, n)
this.type = e, this.bubbles = t, this.cancelable = n
}, Event.prototype.preventDefault = function () {};
var document$1 = Document;
function Document()
if (!(this instanceof Document)) return new Document;
this.head = this.createElement("head"), this.body = this.createElement("body"), this.documentElement = this.createElement("html"), this.documentElement.appendChild(this.head), this.documentElement.appendChild(this.body), this.childNodes = [this.documentElement], this.nodeType = 9
var proto = Document.prototype;
proto.createTextNode = function (e)
return new domText(e, this)
}, proto.createElementNS = function (e, t)
var n = null === e ? null : String(e);
return new domElement(t, this, n)
}, proto.createElement = function (e)
return new domElement(e, this)
}, proto.createDocumentFragment = function ()
return new domFragment(this)
}, proto.createEvent = function (e)
return new event(e)
}, proto.createComment = function (e)
return new domComment(e, this)
}, proto.getElementById = function (t)
return t = String(t), domWalk(this.childNodes, function (e)
if (String(e.id) === t) return e
}) || null
}, proto.getElementsByClassName = domElement.prototype.getElementsByClassName, proto.getElementsByTagName = domElement.prototype.getElementsByTagName, proto.contains = domElement.prototype.contains, proto.removeEventListener = removeEventListener_1, proto.addEventListener = addEventListener_1, proto.dispatchEvent = dispatchEvent_1;
var minDocument = new document$1,
topLevel = void 0 !== commonjsGlobal ? commonjsGlobal : "undefined" != typeof window ? window :
doccy = "undefined" != typeof document ? document : (doccy = topLevel["__GLOBAL_DOCUMENT_CACHE@4"], doccy || (topLevel["__GLOBAL_DOCUMENT_CACHE@4"] = minDocument));
var document_1 = doccy,
applyMask = function (n, i)
var e = i.l10n || "en",
t = _extends(
alias: "phone"
}, i.inputmask);
inputmask(t).mask(n), n.addEventListener("focus", function ()
if ("" === n.value)
var e = r.getSelectedCountryData();
n.value = e.dialCode;
var t = n.value.indexOf("_");
t && (n.selectionStart = t)
}), n.addEventListener("keydown", function (e)
8 === e.keyCode && "" === n.value && e.preventDefault()
var a = _extends(
initialCountry: "auto",
geoIpLookup: function (n, a)
cookieName: "phone-auto-mask-myipinfo"
}, function (e, t)
e || !t.country ? i.fallbackCountry ? n(i.fallbackCountry) : a() : n(t.country)
nationalMode: !1
}, i.intlTelInput);
allLocalizedCountries[e] && (a.localizedCountries = allLocalizedCountries[e]);
var r = intlTelInput(n, a)
phoneAutoMask = function (e, t)
var n, a = _extends(
{}, 1 < arguments.length && void 0 !== t ? t :
if (a.inputmask = a.inputmask ||
{}, a.intlTelInput = a.intlTelInput ||
{}, "string" == typeof e)
for (var i = document_1.querySelectorAll(e), r = 0; r < i.length; r++) n = i[r], applyMask(n, a);
else applyMask(e, a)
return phoneAutoMask